That picture
Scandal of all scandals- Mayor Katz, Councilman Feit, Councilman Rudolph, former Councilman Yitz Stern, and Teaneck Planning Board Chairman Joey Bodner are pictured in this week's Suburbanite while meeting with other Orthodox Jewish elected officials from throughout New Jersey. While many at tonight's Council meeting were quick to condemn this meeting as portraying some kind of disregard for other Council members or conveying the impression that religious ties somehow trump the issues, the individuals appearing in the photo are guilty of nothing more than having a tin ear for politics. Given current sensitivities in Teaneck, it is unwise for people in positions of power to play up their affiliation with the Orthodox Jewish community, unbelievable as that may seem (could anyone imagine members of the public or fellow Council members complaining if Council members Kates, Honis, and Parker joined a group of local female politicians for a meal or if Council members Honis and Parker appeared at a gathering of African-American elected officials?). Political considerations aside, did those who attended the meeting do anything wrong by going there? Absolutely not.
Mayor Katz's perfectly acceptable explanation for why he and others decided to attend the friendly luncheon meeting (as if any was needed) should close this absurd chapter forever. He and his colleagues have every right to freely associate with whomever they please. In fact, one might argue that their posing for a photo that was voluntarily released to the press by one of their number itself demonstrates that they probably were not up to anything untoward.
Though observers may fault their timing or question their political judgment, there are no apologies required here, and those who suggest otherwise should be ashamed of themselves.
PLEASE! I saw this photo in the Suburbanite and my first thought was, "What do people from Lakewood NJ (2 counties south) have to do with discussing local politics as was mentioned in the caption?" I agree that it was inappropriate in a town newspaper. It was obviously showing the new power structure that the Orthodox have in government. I found it distasteful - and I'm Orthodox. Considering all of the friction still going on in this town and at the council meetings, fellows, stop blowing your own horn and do some work locally. Mayor Katz, I'm a big supporter of your's - I feel that you truly care about everyone and every group in this town, but these guys are starting to bring you down. Go back to your own good judgment.
Politicians throughout this country and at every level of government affiliate (rightfully) without comment in caucuses based on race, gender, ethnicity, religious orientation and sexual orientation. Does the fact that someone belongs to the Black Caucus, the Hispanic Caucus, the GLTG Caucas mean that they cannot effectively legislate on behalf of the entire population - no! Does the fact that these groups meet as a caucus mean the march in lockstep on every issue - no! Only in Teaneck, a town that is rapidly making a transition from diverse to to tolerant to intolerant to downright bigotted would this meeting be noticed, much less criticized.
Well, it was nice to see that you CAN teach an old dog new tricks. Councilman Rudolph was dressed appropriately last night at the council meeting. He had his jacket on, his shirt was tucked in, this tie was on (albeit askew - I'm sure he's working on it) and his yarmulka was on his head, not on his ear or eyebrow. I don't know if he or Gussin were fiddling with their blackberries because the camera didn't show it. I hope they weren't. You See? Sometimes people don't know they are acting in a non-acceptable way because they never learned any better. Sometimes things just have to be pointed out to someone. I applaude the positive changes.
Mayor Wildes was the source of the photo.
Since when do Delicatessens host regional conferences on municipal issues anyway?
Since when do Delicatessens host regional conferences on municipal issues anyway?
Possibly as often as houses of worship do.
Unacceptable behavior may be defined as rising to deny that one (or one's husband) is an anti-Semite and then immediately shaking a photograph in a denunciatory manner(reminiscent of Joe McCarthy's waving fake documents) in front of the council and the camera to denounce several councilpeople who happen to be Orthodox for going to lunch. Although the diners were not quite referred to as the elders of Zion, it was made clear that they were somehow supposed to represent a Jewish cabal against the interests of the right thinking citizens of our fair township.
I would laugh at Cramer's behavior if I did not know history and that BIG LIES have terrible consequences.
It is time for all good citizens of Teaneck to wake up and be leery of the set of regular agitators who rise up to speak repeatedly at public meetings in Teaneck and are determined to block all progress in Teaneck by waving the flag of anti-Orthodox sentiment. The effort to paint the township situation as the "good" people against the Orthodox is a dangerous and frightening tactic that all really good people must wish to see fail.
As the Mayor rightly pointed out, after the vicious crew walked out on him so as not to give him an opportunity to register his view in response to them, he has gotten votes in all sections of Teaneck and is the Mayor of the entire town.
Let's give him the chance to improve conditions in Teaneck. Let's take an active role in helping this town grow and prosper.
So what municipal issues were discussed? I don't understand how there can be no particular agenda -- did those people in the picture just happen to want to have a sandwich together. They must serve REALLY good sandwiches at that deli.
The reval is about to hit. The council majority is seriously concerned about the consequences for the poorer members of our community. Despite the presentation to the contrary we constantly hear at public meetings, they (led by Mayor Katz)are genuinely worried about every part of the Teaneck community.
What has Monica done about this? Nothing!!! Just hot air. What does Jacqi care about people whose taxes will shoot up and who don't have the resources to pay their increase? Nothing!!
While the two of them pontificate about the evil people surrounding them on the council, suffering is about to cut a swathe through the ranks of Teaneck's poorest, oldest, weakest homeowners.
It is time for action to help the homeowners who probably don't even realize they are about to be hit by the reval. There has to be a program--amidst all the social welfare our community provides--to help these lambs about to be slaughtered.
I call upon the council to act in a unified way to guarantee no one is forced to lose a home or do without basics to pay a suddenly inflated tax bill.
I am completely astounded by the very fact that anyone cares what they do with their time. If they decide to go to lunch with other Orthodox elected officials, why should that affect anyone.
What would the response be if a group of black or hispanic elected officials from across the state got together, would anyone even bat an eyelash? No. This is purely based upon the fact that they are orthodox jews and another display of pure anti-semitism.
If you don't like them, dislike them because of their political views and decisions not their religion or what they do in their spare time.
Which brings us to the beauty of democracy. If you don't like what they have to say, get off your butt and vote.
Don't forget, these people were ELECTED by the people of Teaneck not put in place by a military dictatorship or some socialist government.
" call upon the council to act in a unified way to guarantee no one is forced to lose a home or do without basics to pay a suddenly inflated tax bill."
The only way your going to get an inflated tax bill is if you did work on your home without permits. Those of us that over the years have pulled permits for work have been paying more than our fair share, it is time for the rest of you to pay your fair share!
"There has to be a program--amidst all the social welfare our community provides--to help these lambs about to be slaughtered"
What do you suggest? Should we the taxpayers foot the bill for them?
I agree with TeaneckBlog just about 100% on this. I think there was a lot less there than met the eye of many in the council chambers and the unconscionable demagogues who have obviously stirred them and this "issue" up. A classic example of a tempest in a teapot.
I also agree that this a complete non issue. I can't believe that it was even raised in the council meeting. While Wildes' submission of the photo to the Suburbanite was not particularly helpful to Katz et. al, the folks who made a stink about it have created another PR win for their opposition by appearing more intolerant than thou.
> The only way your going to get an inflated tax bill is if you did work on your home without permits.
That's what I had figured,until I saw the Record's analysis of the reval. There's a major increase in taxes due from smaller houses in the northeast quadrant. There value may still be small compared to the West Englewood section, but they're getting a real bump upward in taxes.
I guess that the north west quadrant has had a higher turnover, higher new construction, and higher renovation -- all of which have led to continual revaluation.
The northeast is going to need help!!
The northeast area is by Bryant School I assume?
As to getting a bump in taxes, sorry we all need to pay our fair share, this would not of been such a shock for some peoples wallets if the reval occured sooner rather than later.
Political tin ear is an apt description
With so much distrust and unease in the community at large, more effort needs to be spent understanding how the appearance of a 'new power structure' would foster that unease.
I have no idea what the NY Times' mission is these days, but there was a fascinating article ("Orthodox Paradox" by Noah Feldman) about how difficult it can be balancing memership in an exclusionary community with life in the greater community.
Anyone outside the Orthodox community might feel 'there's something going on', especially in view of the teachings that so clearly define how to interact with non-Jews.
I don't really think it is about anti-Semitism as much as it is about reconciling the entire us-them doctrine with politics in general.
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Feldman article has created quite an outcry in the J-blogosphere.
I didn't want to touch it with a ten foot pole on Teaneck Progress but here are some links to two interesting discussions about the article (pro and con)
Here's the pro discussion on Jewish Atheist's Blog.
Here's the con perspective by Gil Student.
I think the article itself and all the commentary surrounding it is related to the questions of difference that people are grappling with in Teaneck. I'm just not sure that I know what the answer is except to try to be as tolerant and respectful of other people in your community, even if you disagree with them about fundamental philisophical questions.
Defender, you and Mayor Katz are 100% right. People listen up:
There will always be people who thrive on being the victim and will never let anything go. If these people are running for public office, I'm not interested in what they have to say. I think that they will spend more time blaming their mistakes in governing than moving ahead, correcting things and doing the best for the township. The complainers just dug their own graves.
Annoyed said, "What do people from Lakewood NJ (2 counties south) have to do with discussing local politics as was mentioned in the caption?"
What exactly is the problem here?
Let's look at what the caption said...
"Main Ingredient Deli of Passaic hosted mayors, elected officials, and community leaders from....... for a regional conference on municipal issues."
Let's break it down...
Ok, firstly, they hosted.. as in, a place to eat. Anyone have an issue with that? They do eat Kosher and it is more central than Teaneck.
"Mayors, elected officials, and community leaders"
So people who hold a position of leadership or representation. It didn't say "local politics" as in "Only Teaneck". As an ultra-minority within a minority (Jews are only 1/10th of 1% of the world population (about 13.3 million), Orthodox even less, why would anyone question that community leaders who live in and directly interact within those communities have to discuss issues that may affect them? Do you think that a regional black or latino caucus is OK? What if they were all Masons? How about if they all shared a NY Sports Club membership? How about being LinkedIN connections?
"for a regional conference on municipal issues"
How about the state of New Jersey? Would that make you all feel better?
Give me a break. They all have something in common and they are meeting. What do you think this is, the elders of Zion? Can we please move on to something that is in the least bit important?
In general there are limits to what people tolerate or how much people can tolerate.
What you can tolerate might not jive with Joe Blow down the street, what then?
I agree with ZevMo..there is nothing wrong with people who just happen to be involved in local politics who want to get together and have a bite, and if they eat kosher, or vegetarian find a place that they all would enjoy fine...
Is it wrong for Black Americans to eat together in a place they like and maybe they too are involved in local or statewide politics. Basically, who care???
Be tolerant and stop venting at others.
The township of Teaneck needs our citizens to become more tolerant of all who live here...Orthodox and everyone else. The Mayor is truly concerned about all the citizens in our town, much much more than the previous Mayor who loves being on TV...and certainly much much more than Councilwoman Honis to loves the camera too...but just for venting and getting out her anger and the rest of the Council.
The other group of monthly "kvetchers" who are regulars at the Council Meetings really need to get a life and stop putting such a negative spin on Teaneck and the Council members. The Council is truly trying to do the right things in town, bring in ratables to help our taxes etc...Let us show respect for our current local leaders and work with them instead of just venting against them.
I agree with ZevMo..there is nothing wrong with people who just happen to be involved in local politics who want to get together and have a bite, and if they eat kosher, or vegetarian find a place that they all would enjoy fine...
Is it wrong for Black Americans to eat together in a place they like and maybe they too are involved in local or statewide politics. Basically, who care???
Be tolerant and stop venting at others.
The township of Teaneck needs our citizens to become more tolerant of all who live here...Orthodox and everyone else. The Mayor is truly concerned about all the citizens in our town, much much more than the previous Mayor who loves being on TV...and certainly much much more than Councilwoman Honis to loves the camera too...but just for venting and getting out her anger and the rest of the Council.
The other group of monthly "kvetchers" who are regulars at the Council Meetings really need to get a life and stop putting such a negative spin on Teaneck and the Council members. The Council is truly trying to do the right things in town, bring in ratables to help our taxes etc...Let us show respect for our current local leaders and work with them instead of just venting against them.
You don't even need a scorecard for the kvetchers. They form a familiar team, even handing off notes one to the other for continuation of the thread of excoriation (though you'd think they'd know their lines by heart by now, what with the year and a half ongoing attack).
The worst kvetching of course comes from the two elected windbags who cannot possibly get grades of "plays well with others", the way they constantly attack their colleagues (as well as their mysterious "puppetmaster" predecessor). The graciousness with which the majority accepts these Kates/Hones attacks marks Katz, Rudolph, Feit and Gussen as superior leaders.
If you don't normally turn out for the meetings, you ought to consider going in the future and speaking up. Some of us are very tired of the same gang jumping up self-importantly three or four times a meeting (especially the people who can't miss taking their three minutes for each and every item the council considers as well as for good and welfare). 37,000 residents and the same few people telling us where they lived each year for the past 54 years! Enough. Fresh participants please as Teaneck tries to move into the future.
It's nice to see that the orthodox community has this lovely forum to spew their bigoted cry of anti-semite.
I think the problem was the caption. I don't think anyone would have commented if it said Orthodox Jewish leaders meeting to discuss relevant issues - but it said a regional meeting to discuss municipal issues and appeared to be a more general type meeting which looked exclusionary. Why do most of you assume the "outside" community would know from the picture that this was just for orthodox community leaders.
Of course it is the Suburbanite once again doing its trouble making worst to hurt the council majority.
Regarding Probably Suburbanite caption...probably Howard Prosnitz...he loves spewing hate in the paper
"Anonymous said...
It's nice to see that the orthodox community has this lovely forum to spew their bigoted cry of anti-semite."
You are proving your own "anti-semite" crap..why can't people get together and eat and talk...why presume anything more unless you are truly revealing the type of subhuman you really are.
People can get together to eat all they want. No biggie. But why was it submitted to the newspaper? That photo wasn't taken by anyone at the Suburbanite; the photo comes from Michael Wildes and/or his staff.
So, it's either a non-event, in which case it really doesn't belong in the newspaper (maybe I'll submit a photo of my family having dinner), or it is of some significance, and in that case should be accurately described for what it is. I have no issue with Orthodox community leaders getting together to meet. But, please, don't tell me it's just "municipal leaders." If this were a muncipal conference of regional leaders, then where is the representation of the rest of our municipality.
Don't blame this one on Howard Prosnitz. He pretty much writes what he's been given, so I'm guessing that what appeared in the paper is the information he was given.
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"I have no issue with Orthodox community leaders getting together to meet. But, please, don't tell me it's just "municipal leaders." If this were a muncipal conference of regional leaders, then where is the representation of the rest of our municipality"
what are you implying?
Isn't Patrick the name of Karin's son? It's creepy to think that she's co-opted his identity to make racist and anti-semetic comments.
Ok folks, enough has been said on this. It is already starting to deteriorate into unnecessary childish taunts. Time to move on:
Topic Please?
Just what racists comments have I made? And what anti-semitic comments where made? Are you the same annonymous that posted that comment at 10:04?
As to my name, my name is Patrick I don't have a son but I do have a daughter, also I am a white married professional male.
Anything else you want to know annonymous?
Move on - just ignore Anon. The weekend is here and its time to leave the school yard. Do you have currently anything intelligent to say to improve our town?
Move on and have a nice weekend.
Take a good hard look at everything Patrick / Karin has ever written on these blogs. She has never made a single intelligent suggestion about how to improve the town. It's all snide put-downs of everything about Teaneck or remarks designed to insult and denigrate African Americans and Jews.
The fact that she now goes by the name "Patrick" and is trying convince everybody that she is a "white married professional male" with a daughter and a penis would be laughable if it weren't so sad.
Karin, Why did you change your user name?
Did you ever make it to the firehouse?
Time to step up.
I for one have never visited the Fire Dept. here in town, have you? I never saw a need for it, I also have never visited the Police Dept. or for that matter the DPW, have you visited any of them anonymous? Tell us is our tax money being well spent in these areas?
check out
no relation to our former blogs (I have no idea who they are !)
Having moved to Teaneck from a
lilly white republican town in
Morris County I am greatly amused
at how a "progressive" town is so obessed with race and relgion.
Seems that people who trumpet
tolerence and diversity have some
hidden issues to work out themselves!
If their issues were hidden I would not be half as concerned. The most troubling aspect is that people feel no hesitation making intolerant remarks and then no one other than members of the offended group take offense.
" and then no one other than members of the offended group take offense. "
That is not quite correct. I have taken offense at at lot of the insensitive remarks and have beenquite verbal about it.
Since I post as an anonymous - no one knows what I look like or what 'group' I 'belong' to
After a while - I've learned to just ignore the offensive remarks on Blogs (but I still challenge it in person.) Responding to them just seems to encourage more of same.
After watching the July 25, 2007 Town Council meeting, it is with a heavy heart that I write this letter. I would like to address 3 issues. First the BR residential zone on north Teaneck Rd, second, "Pastarmi-Gate" and lastly the accusations and attacks from the 2006 elections.
The BR zone was not addressed in the last Master Plan. I find ironic that the "ad hoc group" that is screaming about it now, never mentioned the issue at the many town hall meetings that Mayor Katz set up. I find it also disturbing that when the town attorney asked for direction in writing the ordinance and it was mentioned at the Council meeting to have one ordinance for all of Teaneck Road, it was not accepted by certain members of the council. In my opinion the opposition to Mayor Katz and the Council would like to keep the issue alive and well to exploit the issue in the upcoming elections. I would like all my neighbors to work constructively to put an ordinance together that will protect Teaneck Road and keep McDonalds and overdevelopment out of Teaneck.
The next issue of "members of the Jewish Community going for dinner" becoming "controversial" to some. I ask what is "disturbing" about such a gathering of people. When I decide to meet with law enforcement to discuss profiling issues, security issues, and hate crimes which are all issues for all citizens, am I required to notify every group or community member ?
Lastly the issue of the last campaign keeps coming up. I have heard all the allegations and attacks. Contrary to what people would have you believe, phantom mailings are not new to Teaneck. Sad but true, and it will probably not be the last time. Most of the people I know did not not know about the mailings. Also a year and half later do not care about the mailings. It is the same sour grapes that have been attacking our Council in order to continue to divide our community and for their own selfish political gain. Our Council needs our support. We may not always agree with their actions, but they are the ones working hard to make changes that will enhance ALL Teaneck residents.
There are residents, "vocal Old Teaneck" that have a different agenda when it comes to Teaneck. People who are in my age group ( who by the way have been criticized many times for our age which of course is outside the realm of diversity) are worried about taxes, health care cost, energy costs, paying off student loans, mortgage payments, and planning for their children's future. The "vocal old Teaneck", are not focused with such issues and have to make ad hominem attacks to derail the agenda of the current administration. There are whisper campaigns of nefarious intentions of the Bergen County Democrats and who are "pulling the strings". People who live in Teaneck and serve Teaneck do so because this is their home and we have long ties to the community. It is very naive to think outsiders will ever dictate what is good for Teaneck. I have had six members of my family graduate Teaneck high since I have left This is not only my home but the home of most of my family I take great offense when some residents of a community that taught me what it means to be diverse, criticizes the Mayor and Council members for having a dinner with members of their own faith. It is no different then African Americans getting together, Hispanics getting together, women getting together, or any other group. So diversity is ok as long as we agree with you.
Stop the attacks, and your sour are hurting the all of Teaneck.
Mohammed Hameeduddin
Teaneck Resident
P.S. I would like the next election to be about ideas I would like us all to look forward to the future rather then the past
Get a sneak peek of the all-new
Ok so for all but a few we all agree that this is a non issue. Why then did this make the papers, why then is this being discussed on blogs, why are blinder being placed over our eyes so that we dont pay attention to the real issues? as with any situation, you try to figure out who has what to gain from this.
New Beginnings & Friends,
would love to cast a storm cloud against those that devastated them in the past election. What better way to segment the community then to imply some Protocol of Zion meeting where the domination of world by the elders is taking root in NNJ! TNB has been seething with anger since the elections, and these little jabs could be a simple attempt to build animosity and prepare for a long shot run in the next election.
We all know shes been hiding in teanecks closets, and gently pulling strings where she feels are needed. Like the times article some time back which somehow grew strong enough legs to appear in the times. Lorreta has privately smiling with each and everyone of these attacks. Her agenda is well known, and her influence is as well.
Im tired of these attempts at character assassinations, but am glad to see even with all these professional party liners attempting to cause harm, this is all they are able to pull up.. Sorry TNB & Friends, youll have to do better then a lunch meeting.. perhaps another sit down session with Loretta will give you better angles.
The "lunch" get-together?? THis has got to be one of the biggest yawns ever... one of the biggest non-events ever to hit our town. Shame on the Suburbanite for for once again embarrassing itself by displaying its open bias against the Town COuncil
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