Teaneck's top cop snatched by Newark
Whether or not friction over that decision played a role in Tiernan's departure is unclear. What is clear is that the next police chief will inherit the gang problem- and the already negotiated terms of the solution. One wonders whether the issue will be reopened by the new leadership in conjunction with the Council and if a candidate's preference for adding staff versus finding less costly ways to address the gang issue will become a new litmus test for potential hires.
Goodbye and good riddance. The only thing he accomplished was screwing the taxpayers into hiring 5 more officers for "his" department. Can the council wake up, recind the ordinance, and allow the county gang task force to come in and do the job they are experts in?
Thank you, Paul (not Tiernan)!
Maybe the TNB slate could take the job collectively and redeploy all Teaneck police officers to work full time investigating the election fraud.
Now is the time for a public safety director.
If the council is serious about tax savings, than here is the opportunity. You take the Police Chiefs 135K salary and the ( do nothing ) fire Chiefs 130k and you hire a public safety director for 90k.
He or She will report directly to the Manager ( or her husband . Better yet, since Helene is running both depts. anyway let's give her the title ( or her husband ) + 50k and the chiefs crown vic.
When is the next Town Council Meeting? I want to either get a babysitter early or get my TV revved up for the action!!!
Anon at 12:59:
Who would you have wanted to be Chief after Giannone left?
Any chance he can take the 5 officers with him?
See the front page of today's Record about "Police Hype Gangs to Score Funding."
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