Naming names

This week's Suburbanite contains a letter from outspoken Council critic Naomi Cramer questioning the motives behind the decision to halt the investigation, and comments by a number of individuals at Tuesday night's raucous Council meeting showed that many are still committed to keeping this issue alive.
What's new, however, is the announcement by a local political organization that it will hold a meeting during which a report that "gives names of those who allegedly had a part in the production and dissemination of the campaign literature" will be presented to the public. The agent of this vigilante justice? The Teaneck Democratic Municipal Organization, who is no doubt holding the event only because of its high regard for the rule of law and a clean and transparent political process, and not because of any affinities with the Teaneck New Beginnings slate, in keeping with the non-partisan nature of Teaneck local politics.
Whether this story still has any traction with the wider public more than a year after the defeat of the majority of the Teaneck New Beginnings slate by a sizable margin is an open question. What is clear, however, is that the hardcore support for TNB, which has also constituted the most vocal opposition to the current Council majority, is determined to attempt to delegitimize current elected officials rather than engage them in policy debate. This desperate effort to regain some influence is perhaps the clearest admission that the TNB fringe, once very much part of the establishment, is increasingly out of step with public opinion in Teaneck.
Whine whine whine. I am so sick of Naomi Cramer, this guy Schwartz who write letters to the Suburbanite every week complaining about bad election practices. The Suburbanite should really step up to the plate and get new editors. I didn't get any of this so called bad election stuff in the mail and I would have forgotten about it LONG AGO (as would most other people) if these guys wouldn't enjoy keeping it alive. They are acting like children who lost a softball game due to a questionable umpire call and can't get over it. Folks, take a deep breath act like a better person on a higher level, and if you REALLY believed in the Town of Teaneck like you claim to, start formating a GREAT platform for the next election and you may have a chance. I voted for the New Beginnings but honestly? If all these people do is spend their time day after day writing to the Suburbanite and making a fuss at Town Council meetings, whimper whimper whine whine and NOT move on and getting a life and produce a great campaign for the next time around, these genuises will lose once again due to community disgust. Tell us what you are going to do when you are elected instead of whining like a spoiled child!!! You will blame everyone else but not yourselves if you lose. MOVE ON!!!!
This reminds me of the bickering we saw in National politics which brought the Democrats from an ineffectual minority to an ineffectual majority.
Not engaging the duly elected representatives is your right. I woudn't reccomend it (if your goal is to accomplish anything meaningful), but hey.....power to the people!
Why doesn't Marty Cramer just sign the letters and come to speak at the meetings? There is no way Naomi is doing this herself. He is sore and bitter about no longer being the township attorney- get a life and move on
To Naomi and her followers: if you don't like it- there are three seats up at the next election- toss your hat in the ring and run for Council!!
In addition, if you think the Jewish community rallied and got their candidates elected in 2006- just wait and see what happens in 2008- keep pissing people off and we will see the make up of the Council- Rudolph may even be Mayor!!
Remember- the people Naomi bitches most about are paying the most taxes in town- and THEY DO NOT SEND THEIR CHILDREN TO SCHOOL IN TEANECK!!!
Anon 12:20,
Those last comments really do nothing to help resolve the issues. It really does not matter who pays more taxes or where they send their children to school, everybody has the right to vote.
With regards to filling the 3 spots on the council in the next election, after the antics displayed by Mrs. Cramer, Dr. Toffler, and her foaming at the mouth companion at this week's council meeting I would not vote for any of them or their affiliates.
Forget about public access television, the last council meeting was fit to air on pay-per-view. Maybe Jerry Springer can moderate the next one. Maybe this will be the tax break we have been looking for!
The strong aroma coming from the Council chambers is the stench of political corruption wafting in from Hackensack and starting to become a real problem here in Teaneck.
This past election saw what may be the worst case of election fraud in Teaneck history. The perpetrators knew what they were doing and how to cover their tracks so that they could manipulate voters. The emails, letters, announcements and phone calls, combined with false claims about one group planning to take down the eruv were the key factors in getting Orthodox voters to vote Orthodox. This election was tainted, plain and simple.
Yitz Stern's implication that he could get Toffler back on the Planning Board if she followed his instructions only adds to the stench.
If any candidates have any connection to this election fraud, it's time they were booted out of office and then sent to prison. That should help cut down the stench.
After seeing what the precedent that was set in Tenafly with the fiasco of their council wasting taxpayer money trying to fight the eruv, one would have to be totally clueless to believe that anyone would legally be successful in getting the eruv taken down when it has been up - with the town's blessing - for so many years.
I did not vote in the last election based on anything to do with the eruv.
The primary concern that I took with me to the polls was taxes.
And, for the record, I did not vote across the board for all 4 of the Orthodox candidates.
But would you really be satisfied if that were to happen considering that the electorate would probably just go ahead and vote in another group of young candidates dedicated to tackling the homeowner tax burden and unwilling to support strict rent control or giveaways to the unions?
One would hope that we would learn from our mistakes.
Landlords have the right to charge wharever rent people are willing to pay. If government rent controlled is to be forced on them, then the government needs to subsidized their taxes. As a homeowner, I am not willing to subsidize the renter or the landlord.
This desperate effort to regain some influence is perhaps the clearest admission that the TNB fringe, once very much part of the establishment, is increasingly out of step with public opinion in Teaneck.
How would you know? You've never given any indication you have a clue to what anyone thinks except yourself and your opinion is far from public opinion despite how often you repeat your delusions.
My apologies for touching on what is obviously a sensitive subject.
Good luck in the next election.
Yitz Stern's implication that he could get Toffler back on the Planning Board if she followed his instructions only adds to the stench.
Where was that implied?
In his email to Barbara Toffler that she read into the record on Tuesday evening.
In his email to Barbara Toffler that she read into the record on Tuesday evening.
In his email to Barbara Toffler that she read into the record on Tuesday evening.
I was not at the meeting. What did that email say?
The Teaneck Democratic Club was deeply involved with support of TNB, considering the fact that its president (Parker) was elected to the council. They have also gotten involved in past non-partisan elections both on school board as well as council levels.
Anonymous blogs and bloggers are cowards and should be avoided.
I have heard of Alcoholics Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, etc., but unless you are in one of those groups, are in the Witness Protection Program, an undercover agent for the CIA, Mosad, etc., you have no business wearing a mask to cover your real identity. Without your REAL name, your opinion is less than worthless and you should keep your opinions as secret as you keep your name.
Unless you have something to hide, come out of the closet and tell everyone your real name. Until you do that, any response that you make to this post, indeed, any statement at all that you make - on this blog or elsewhere, must be ignored. But before you do that, remember, once you give your real name, you then become accountable for your actions.
Martin R. Cramer
Did something someone posted hit a raw nerve?
Anonymous Teaneck Minds want to know!
Its time to move on folks. Mr. Cramer, start a great campain now, don't pay attention to the babies and show us what you can really do for Teaneck instead of wasting time on blogs. All of this is getting very boring and I wouldn't want to vote for people who don't know when to stop beating a dead horse.
ALL ARE WELCOME to the Public Forum
«« Double Header««
and the
(alleged) 2006 Illegal Campaign Tactics.
1. A petition is being circulated throughout town that would place a Pay-to-Play Question on the November Ballot in Teaneck. Come find out:
• What is Pay-to-Play?
• What will a Pay-to-Play Ordinance mean for Teaneck?
• Isn’t Pay-to-Play already illegal?
If you agree that a Resolution on Pay-to-Play is necessary,
sign the petition at the meeting! TAKE one with YOU!
2. The county prosecutor was asked to look into illegal postcards and robocalls in the days preceding the 2006 municipal election. The required attribution was not given on the cards or during the calls stating who financed the cards and calls. Lack of an attribution constitutes election fraud and/or mail fraud! No report from the prosecutor has been issued. Come hear about:
• What information was discovered in the prosecutor’s files?
• Who in Teaneck may have been responsible?
• What is the prosecutor doing to bring those involved to justice?
Join us on Thursday July 12th from 7pm – 9pm (forum begins at 7:30pm) at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church.
Light refreshments.
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church is located at the corner of Chadwick and Grange Roads, just one block west of Holy Name Hospital. Please plan to join us. For further information: contact TDMO at
Public Forum
«« double header««
and the
(alleged) 2006 Illegal Campaign Tactics
A petition is being circulated throughout town that would place a Pay-to-Play Question on the November Ballot in Teaneck. Come find out:
• What is Pay-to-Play?
• What will a Pay-to-Play Ordinance mean for Teaneck?
• Isn’t Pay-to-Play already illegal?
If you agree that a Resolution on Pay-to-Play is necessary,
sign the petition at the meeting! TAKE one with YOU!
The county prosecutor was asked to look into illegal postcards and robocalls in the days preceding the 2006 municipal election. The required attribution was not given on the cards or during the calls stating who financed the cards and calls. Lack of an attribution constitutes election fraud and/or mail fraud! No report from the prosecutor has been issued. Come hear about:
• What information was discovered in the prosecutor’s files?
• Who in Teaneck may have been responsible?
• What is the prosecutor doing to bring those involved to justice?
Join us on Thursday July 12th from 7pm – 9pm (forum begins at 7:30pm) at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church.
Light refreshments.
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church is located at the corner of Chadwick and Grange Roads, just one block west of Holy Name Hospital. Please plan to join us. For further information: contact TDMO at
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