You have got to be kidding

The timing of the cushy appointment by Governor Corzine suggests that it came in fulfillment of a condition attached to the "amicable" resolution of the Democratic Party's primary battle that pitted State Sen. Loretta Weinberg and Assembly members Gordon Johnson and Valerie Vainieri Huttle against Party boss Joseph Ferriero's slate earlier this year. Ferriero's man is now comfortably ensconced in another publicly funded position, which should make up for whatever disappointment he may feel at being compelled to abandon a hopeless campaign for state office. Loyalty has its rewards.
At this point, it is going to take a bit more than the occasional complimentary breakfast with a county official to win the trust of this Teaneck resident. The more I see of county politics, the less I understand why we put up with it. To me, Bergen County means blue laws, political patronage, and paying an extra layer of taxes for the privilege. Not exactly a compelling value proposition. Looks like Todd Caliguire had it right after all...
Finally someone calling it like it is -- although what we can do about it is probably precious little. Patronage is, as it always has been on both sides, alive and well in Bergen County.
I thought the Englewood Reporter was the lap dog website for the Weinberg team? How come this blog never mentions anything about that Teaneck firm, Decottis etc where Assemblywomyn-for-the-working-man, Valerie Verneri-Huttles husband is a partner? Instead you mention a $17k state appointment, and nothing about the millions of $$$ about Encap which these guy used in taxpayer money. Also on Todd Caliguire, the same one who sent a biggoted flier out comparing a candidate to Al Sharpton? You cant really see Todd running County Government can you especially with his real colors being shown, Looks like the voters of Bergen County made the right call and of course this website didnt. And while where at it, lets see you defend Assemblyman Gordon Johnson dual-office holding?
You have it all wrong, probably because you cannot break out of your partisan political mindset. Most Teaneck residents do not play your dirty political games or care a whit about longstanding feuds within or without the Democratic Party. We are disgusted with all unethical behavior and all examples of waste and excess in county government and elsewhere. Your moral relativism holds no water with me...if Weinberg et al are guilty, let them hang alongside Ferriero and Co. If Caliguire is indeed a racist, we can pursue his ideas about radically downsizing county government without elevating him.
When will you and your fellow political insiders learn that it is not about you, it's about doing what is right?
What waste and abuse in County government? Is there ramparant fraud going on? Are we missing something here? Give some details,,,Zisa got picked by Corzine and Zisa is a Dem, should he have picked a Republican, even though the law states.Or is it if you repeat something over and over it must be true.
Cronyism, backroom deals, bitter political infighting, patronage, pay to play, and basically nothing for Teaneck taxpayers but an additional tax bill to you this may not constitute "waste" or "abuse" because it's simply business as usual. But others are finally taking notice of the absurd farce that is Bergen County politics thanks to galling quid pro quo appointments such as this one that puts the fox in charge of guarding the henhouse.
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