Other election matters

Stop a dozen Teaneck voters on the street and I would bet at least nine wouldn't be able to furnish even the basic information contained in the brief and incomplete summaries of the candidates' platforms above. Despite the fact that Bergen County spends several hundred million dollars of taxpayer funds every year, its position in the forgotten middle renders it transparent to most citizens. Too far from home to garner the attention that municipal government receives and too small and insignificant to command the media attention that state government gets, county government is largely ignored.
According to McNerney, Bergen County is using its budget and influence responsibly to dispense necessary services in the community. According to Caliguire, county government has become the piggy bank and plaything of a small number of insiders who use personal contacts and campaign contributions to win no-bid contracts and enrich themselves at the expense of taxpayers.
Few of us in Teaneck have the perspective to opine on the candidates' very different perspectives on the management of county government. The brief glimpses we have gotten of McNerney on our own local scene suggest that perhaps he is steeped in the culture of political machinations, as his opponents allege. His attempted intervention in a local zoning matter last spring raised the hackles of many who want to keep Teaneck free of the sickness that afflicts much of the New Jersey political scene. But is suspicion of McNerney enough to support the opposition?
Caliguire's claims that he will push a large number of county expenditures back onto state government may strike many as far-fetched, if not altogether ridiculous, given the state's fiscal position. However, his promises to reduce conflicts of interest by focusing on government controls seem to be not only practicable, but rather desirable, precisely because of the nature of county government.
While Caliguire may think county government can be largely eliminated, it is, for now at least, a necessary evil. That is all the more reason a substantial investment ought to be made in cleaning it up. McNerney's progress on shared services, while certainly welcome, seems to be doing little to check spending and appears to be accompanied by significant perks for contributors, an unacceptable outcome even if only for the appearance of impropriety it creates. County government, already hidden from view, should do all it can to operate honestly and efficiently. It does not appear to be doing so just yet. It may be worth casting a vote for change.
As a died-in-the-wool Democrat, I couldn't agree more. McNerney is just too dependent on Ferriero and has not shown the kind of independent leadership and initiative that Pat Schuber displayed.
if one votes with there heart and head the democratic ticket is the only way to go. not perfect but not much choice !
Being a life long democrat, that has always voted with his--brain unfortunatly will vote this time for a republican. Not because I want to but because McNerney represents the "good'ole boy school of politicians," that represent political patronage and their buddies before the citizens of the county.
I am not surprised that some self-identified Democrats would lean toward Caliguire in this case. The Record, despite its history of supporting Democratic candidates, actually endorsed Caliguire over McNerney. But I suspect that the anonymous responses above reflect the views of the more informed and politically engaged minority and that a large number of Teaneck residents will be turning out for Menendez and will subsequently just vote Democrat down the line. Handing power to the Bergen County Democratic machine without thinking twice seems like a poor choice, both in the case of county executive and county freeholder.
McNerney is a puppet of the machine, he should be ashamed of himself. I wonder, does he ever have an independent thought?
But I suspect that the anonymous responses above reflect the views of the more informed and politically engaged minority
Do I have this right? Those who are mote informed will agree with you?
What are you talking about?
Old predictable Tom is back! Always angry, never logical. It's obvious the blogger meant these folks are aware of the candidates, the issues, and focused on county politics which clearly makes them a minority. Since they don't agree (some anti-McNerney, one voting Republican), how can they all agree with the blogger? Tom, think before you toss out observations that are meant to be sarcastic, cute, humorous... but always come out wrong.
Teaneck Blog said...What are you talking about?
Good question. It was an accident. I had written something longer, of course emphasizing those areas where I disagreed with you. It included the part I quoted, but not that response. I'm not going to try and recreate what I wrote. Instead I’ll offer an apology and acknowledge that I found this to be one of your better posts.
After the election, if you discuss the results, I will be able to decry the outcome regardless of who wins.
No one really believes right wing conservative Todd Caliguire will eliminate 50 percent of county government. ITS CALLED PANDERING. And the elightened (as we all like to think of ourselves here)should know this. Also Todd ran for Governor and took $500,000 in taxpayers money to do it. McNerney didnt.
McNerney was born and raised in Teaneck and whether we like it or not is a product of Teaneck. He has our values.
McNerney was born and raised in Teaneck and whether we like it or not is a product of Teaneck. He has our values.
Whatever that means.
McNerney represents the worst the Democratic Party has to offer: Pay to Play politics.
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