Teaneck Blog

Casting a wary eye on Teaneck politics and municipal affairs

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Why don't people get the message? The people of Teaneck do not desire change. We fear change. We adore the status quo. Now leave us alone!

The Motor Vehicle Commission folks from Trenton are the latest to attempt to invade our Township. Brian Aberback reports on the negative response in today's Record.

Thankfully, Deputy Mayor Parker is under no illusions about this latest unwelcome land grab by outsiders.
"I don't think it does anything for Teaneck Road," Parker said, according to the Record.

Perhaps she is right. It is hard to imagine how a stable anchor tenant that brings a massive influx of customers from outside the area and imposes long waits upon them could possibly help surrounding businesses. Keep that space vacant!


At 1:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh boy...let the DMV move in...an occupied space with someone willing to pay the $$ is better than an empty space that is becoming an eye sore for all that drive past it.
But then that whole area of Teaneck is an eye sore!

At 2:04 PM, Blogger esther said...

I agree that opposition to the DMV is misplaced and absurd. Perhaps the folks at Bryant School (and Parker) are having a knee-jerk reaction following all those horrible news items about violent school intrusions.

The fact is Bryant School is located in a dodgey retail district. Actual tenants are better than vacant, desolate commercial space, with the possible exception of methadone clinics and X-rated video stores. If the DMV does a nice job of setting up and maintaining their space, they should be treated no differently than any other retail or commercial tenant.

At 2:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn't putting a DMV office in that location have the effect of removing another potential ratable from the tax rolls?

Granted, it's not producing tax revenue now, and it seems to be a tough location for retail business. But I'd be careful about overestimating its magnet effect.

At 2:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To answer my own question, I guess the property would stay on the tax rolls as long as it continued to be a rental situation. If the DMV bought the property--as they might want to do after a test period--I wonder if the situation would change to be something more like a school or house of worship.

At 4:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the last two remarks, it would affect our tax rolls once they bought the property, but until then, it is income for the landlord and I expect the landlord will keep the property for awhile. I don't, however, appreciate the snide remarks about that whole area of North Teaneck Road, when those merchants have been trying to get some assistance to improve their commercial area from the town through the Special Improvement District and EDC for years.

I do understand some of the opposition as the parking on Tryon Avenue is crowded already -- if commuters who park there arrive and find people who wanted to get a jump on the DMV lines in the morning, it could be a problem. In addition, the main parking lot doesn't have enough spaces for the cars anticipated, so the crossing time at the light at Teaneck Rd. and Tryon will need to be altered so that customers can cross Teaneck Rd to get there and back to their cars.

At 5:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are Right. DMV would be be BAD on Teaneck Rd. It belongs on Cedar Lane or American Legion Drive. What is DMV thinking , people would not feel very safe walking around that area anyway.

At 7:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous...that is a good one...I for one do not frequent that area just for that reason...I dont feel safe...but then I dont feel safe on Cedar Lane either...too many jay walkers and double parkers and no nonkosher places for a pork eating person to go too!

At 7:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is not an issue of school safety. Anyone with a child in our public schools is aware that the doors are monitored and crossing guards can be seen on Teaneck Road. The DMV has a designated police officer on the premises during working hours.
If the N.I.M.B.Y.'s(not in my back yard)of North Teaneck Road don't want the DMV, perhaps they would consider Cedar Lane. Maybe DMV could trump Starbucks and move into the old Miller Pharmacy site or the Dale & Thomas Popcorn Factory. Both locations offer significant municipal parking!
Bringing the DMV to Teaneck is good for existing Teaneck merchants and will probably attract additional businesses to our town.

At 7:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

youd think that these folks would want the added buisness that the DMV brings to their area...I mean those shops and area look dead..

At 9:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I want to know more about the chances the property would be taken off the tax roles some day. If that's not likely then adding the DMV sounds good to me. If the DMV is likely to buy the property then I would understand the opposition completely.

At 9:57 PM, Blogger esther said...

There certainly is alot of NIMBY sentiment in Teaneck. The folks near Tryon Avenue would rather have vacant retail space than a DMV office while the folks near American Legion Drive would rather have a vacant warehouse than a charter school.

At 6:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares if it gets taken off the tax rolls "some day" how is that different than the many houses of worship that we have..that keep getting approved for zoning in residental areas?

At 6:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A charter school on cedar lane?
well I guess they have to send the kids somewhere...what was wrong with the school where it was over by the Yeshiva?

At 7:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm the one who asked (and on further thought answered) the question about whether the property could be taken off the tax rolls. Just to clarify my wording -- when I said the location seems to be tough for retail business, I meant tough in terms of making a go of it, not in terms of the neighborhood. I find some of the comments in that regard to be untrue, biased and offensive.

If the DMV could be persuaded to locate on Cedar Lane, American Legion Drive, or slightly further south on north Teaneck Road, it's value as a draw for other businesses would obviously be greater. The fact is, the immediate area doesn't have that many other businesses, and of those that currently share the building -- a computer sales company, coin-operated laundry, Christian bookstore, Chinese take-out restaurant and recording studio -- only the take-out restaurant would obviously benefit.

I suspect, however, that the DMV is looking at that location because the the rental price is right. To think they could be attacted into the old Miller's Pharmacy probably isn't realistic.

But if the landlord at the Tryon property can have a stable tenant and thus pay more in taxes, why not? It's better than what we have now.

At 1:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymousK said...
Who cares if it gets taken off the tax rolls "some day" how is that different than the many houses of worship that we have..that keep getting approved for zoning in residental areas?

You've made a couple of thinly veiled anti-Jewish statements on this thread. Perhaps what they say about bigorty and ignorance being related has some truth to it.

For your information, those houses of worship "keep getting approved" because of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 (a federal law that to the best of my knowledge has not been successfully challenged). Given the way the Courts have interpreted this Act, rejecting these applications would likely result in a legal challenge that in most circumstances the Houses of Worship would win.

At 1:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous said ...
You've made a couple of thinly veiled anti-Jewish statements on this thread.

Before deciding on the nature of his bigotry, his postings on other threads should also be taken into consideration.

At 7:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do think that Teaneck has way too many houses of worship...these would benefit the town by being on the tax roll and not off of it..just my 2cents!
As to vieled anti-jewish sentiment...read it how you want...do these houses of worship really benefit the town..NOPE (once again my two cents)! It also kills me as a person that grew up in this town recalling being able to shop on Cedar Lane for Christmas gifts etc.instead of going to the mall...cant do that now unless your Jewish as nothing on Cedar Lane caters to the non-jews in town..well except for the movie theater, manor shoes and the knitting store...so sad!

At 8:24 AM, Blogger Teaneck Blog said...

For more on the subject of houses of worship and Teaneck's tax base, see here:
Is Teaneck overrun with religious institutions?

At 8:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teaneck BLog-
Thanks for the link.
The BIGGEST non tax paying property is H.N.H. have you seen the tax records on that one? Just taxing them would do alot for the town :) and as they really are not a Catholic Hospital (preform abortions, hand out Birth Control, due tubals etc.) perhaps they should loose their status and come back onto the tax roll?!?!

At 9:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps there are more desireable anchor stores for the area, but absent of that, I think the DMV is fine idea.

I also never got the opposition to the check cashing place in that area either - if the market says there is a demand for that kind of service, then the business will prosper - if not, then they go away. That place is still vacant.

For Teaneck to assume that patrons of check cashing places and DMV are undesireable people infiltrating our town is a very strange sense of hubris

At 10:35 AM, Blogger esther said...

anonymousk: I marvel at all of your strong opinions. Perhaps you should start your own blog. If you'd like, I'll help you set it up.

At 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Lane has a lot more of a retail and food mix then people on this blog recognize. Perhaps their vision is tainted by the vacant space between the ears.
For Example; dauime, geronimo's, empire hunan, simply the best, new to you , movers and shakers and much more then i listed.

At 11:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sounds great...I have no idea how to set one up though so any suggestions are appreciated :)

I know of the stores you mentioned...Geronimo's...UGH!!!
Simply the Best...can you say ill-fitting frumpy clothes?!
If you really look the Lane does not offer much for thenon jewish crowd!

At 1:51 PM, Blogger esther said...

anonymousk - At the top of each blog homepage is a button to press which allows you to create your own blog. It doesn't cost anything and takes only a few minutes. You will then have your own personal place to express your opinions about education, the arts, municipal finance, pedestrians, Jews and African-Americans.

At 4:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Swurgle-
I guess you do not agree with all of my comments & would wish I would disappear perhaps?
That is your right...I do not agree with much that occurs in this town..and as is my right I can express it..it is also your right not to agree with it!

At 5:01 PM, Blogger Mr S said...

not sure if you're aware of this, but even if you aren't jewish, you are allowed to eat kosher food.

At 5:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. S.-
Nope not Jewish..and I do know that everyone not just Jews can eat Kosher..but it is disgusting..who would want to eat it if you did not have to?

At 5:28 PM, Blogger Mr S said...

well there you have it folks. take the cheese off the burger and it becomes disgusting.
anonomousk, maybe you just find those restaraunts bad because the owners all have horns on their head, right?

At 5:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what the heck you talking about..horns on their heads?
Out side of the Charcoal Pit..which is very over priced for mediocre food and Hunan also with its mediocre fare where else can you go to eat a decent meal that is not kosher and where meat and dairy are combined and perhaps a few scraps of pork thrown in?
I guess my families taste buds are bit more evolved for what the Lane offers.

At 5:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quick question what does Kosher food have to do with the DMV moving to Teaneck?
Are they also opening a Kosher cafe adjacent to their building for the patrons that have to wait?
I mentioned Kosher food in regards to why I avoid the Lane..along with the jay walkers and double parkers

At 8:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just remember the Catholic church is the largest land owner in the planet.. Have to wonder how much revenue the Us government is missing out from tax free zoning... or you could ask .. how much charity has church passed along.. how many people move near their churches and increase the value of surrounding land.. or how much money is saved by local government by the churches public services that are offered. Teaneck has a lot of houses of worship, and they all add value to our town,city state, and country.

At 8:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teaneck has a lot of houses of worship, and they all add value to our town,city state, and country.

Really???? I have found no added value with ALL of the houses of worship on nearly every street corner.

At 3:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Just remember the Catholic church is the largest land owner in the planet..
I believe this is a myth.

At 10:26 AM, Blogger esther said...

I work on real estate disposition issues for the Catholic Archdiocese of Brooklyn and Queens. I don't know about the rest of the planet, but in Brooklyn and Queens, they own a lot of surplus land. The archdiocese has been very responsible in disposing of the land in manner that is consistent with their mission, that is, to make sure that non-profit institutions and community-based affordable housing developers have priority access to surplus properties.

I presume in Teaneck, the Catholic Church is not a major player.

The proportion of tax-exempt land owners in Teaeck may not be out of scale with surrounding towns at the present, but for those concerned about the tax burden on homeowners, the anticipated trajectory of increase may be of some concern.

At 10:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I presume in Teaneck, the Catholic Church is not a major player.
Uhh..nope. Unless you count the hospital..but they really are not Catholic..just Catholic in name and nothing else :)

The proportion of tax-exempt land owners in Teaeck may not be out of scale with surrounding towns at the present, but for those concerned about the tax burden on homeowners, the anticipated trajectory of increase may be of some concern.

Yeah...just a wee bit of concern


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