Friends of the DPW, anyone?

This week's Suburbanite reports on the results of an environmental study conducted at the Teaneck Public Library. As a result of moisture problems stemming from a leaky roof, various areas in the library are contaminated with mold. Remediation is planned for after the replacement of the roof, a project the Council has already approved but has not yet hired a contractor to complete. Unremarkable, except for the fact that library staff have taken their concerns that the ongoing mold problem may pose health risks to the press. Teaneck residents know all too well what comes next.
Given the popularity of the Teaneck library, often said to be the busiest in Bergen County, it is surprising that the Friends of the Teaneck Library has not been as aggressive in fundraising as, say, the TVAC. One would imagine that significant financial support would be forthcoming. It would certainly seem worthwhile to increase reliance on private donors. This would serve not only to increase the Library's flexibility in solving problems such as those that may threaten the physical health of library staff and the financial health of the Township, but also to invest those who treasure the library with more personal responsibility for supporting it while preserving it as a free service open to all. Subsequently, this model for bolstering public institutions with supplemental funding from altruistic residents might be well applied to education and other areas as well.
can I ask a dumb question...
if it is a county library why is Teaneck footing the bill for repairs and not the county?
OK Another question...
TVAC contributions are tax deductable...would donations to the Library be also tax deductable...if not that is perhaps why no one gives $$.
I'm pretty sure the Teaneck library is a town facility, not a county one. They just belong to the county networking system
Thank you for an anwser to my 1st question...I guess that anwsers my 2nd question too...since they are run by the town any donations would not be tax deducatable.
The organization is Friends of Teaneck Library, which I believe is a 501(c)(3). While the $10 "membership" is not deductible any donations are. is surprising that the Friends of the Teaneck Library has not been as aggressive in fundraising as, say, the TVAC.
Can you provide the actual information as to the amount of money each raises?
The library is owned by the township, but belongs to the Bergen County Cooperative Library Service (along with every other library in the county). Therein lies the confusion.
I like the idea of a fundraising campaign by Friends of the Library. Considering the fact that ours is the largest and most widely used library in the county, we should all contribute to its upkeep.
Only if you use it should we support it...My family does not use it or any other library in Bergen County.
y family does not use it or any other library in Bergen County.
Why am I not surprised?
Funny Anon...are you upset because we can afford to own our own books??? That is the reason we do not use the library we prefer to own our books & movies..that is all..pretty simple :-)
The story times and other stuff that are offered dont interest us why should I use the library or for that matter support it?
AnonymousK said...
GOd knows I am "tapped out"...
It's nice to know that he can afford everything he wants despite being "tapped out".
My family has budgeted for our book purchases :) and movie purchases.
What does that have to do with being tapped out? I also send my kids to private school and PAY my TAXES...guess with your train of thought I should forgo the private school send & them to the public school?
We are tapped out by paying HIGH Taxes to a township that at every turn pisses the money away!
anonymousk: Doesn't it make you feel kind of sad when you realize that all those people who use the Teaneck Library can't afford their own books?
No should it?
The Library serves a give access to books and other media that people can not afford to buy on their own.
As a side note perhaps the people would be able to afford their own books if the Property Taxes in town where a bit lower :)
anonymousk - Perhaps one day everyone in Teaneck will have enough money so that they can shut down the library for good and replace it with a bookstore.
I never said they should shut the library down...
I was only questioning if the library started collecting money like TVAC would contributions be tax deductable...I was told it would be (tax deductable) as they are a not for profit group.
Are you implying I should support the Teaneck Library?
Or are you implying that I should feel bad that not everyone can afford to buy their own books?
What exactly is your point swurgle?
This is a dumb discussion. The public benefits when knowledge, literature, and art are made available to everyone. I'm paying very high taxes, send my kids to private school, buy my own books, and support the Teaneck public library because it is in my interest as a citizen that people think and read.
I think the blogger's post was intended to provoke just this realization. Thanks for calling the situation to my attention. I will certainly raise my contribution. That doesn't mean I don't think property taxes are outrageous and that the town has down little to ameliorate the situation. I'm still angry. It's just that there are other issues, too, and everything need not deteriorate into a property tax discussion and then the usual complaints about the public schools with the kneejerk defense... Let's discuss something else every tenth post, okay?
Couldn't agree more...
Bibliophile said...
I think the blogger's post was intended to provoke just this realization.
Did you actually read what he wrote?
Bibliophile, thank you for getting the point, which was indeed that certain public institutions not only merit private support, but ought to tap into the considerable goodwill they have built up in the community in order to strengthen themselves and lessen their dependence on government and tax revenues.
I think most readers understood this.
Perhaps you could explain why you believe why you believe, "the Friends of the Teaneck Library has not been as aggressive in fundraising as, say, the TVAC."
Pull that one out of thin air?
Perhaps you could explain why you believe why you believe, "the Friends of the Teaneck Library has not been as aggressive in fundraising as, say, the TVAC."
Because I don't regularly receive letters asking for money from the Friends of the Teaneck Library, I don't send them donations on a regular basis. TVAC, on the other hand, regularly requests and receives financial support from me and many of my friends and neighbors. I take that as evidence that TVAC's fundraising efforts are more aggressive.
Blogger, just ignore Tom. I do. Perhaps he'll go back to raking leaves. I can attest he's very good at that.
Bibliophile said...
... raking leaves. I can attest he's very good at that.
Clear proof that Bibliophile is delusional!
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