Candor and its consequences
Four months after its appearance in the Metro section of the New York Times, Peter Applebome's article about diversity and Teaneck is making waves on the local scene. At the time of its appearance, I surmised that the very public airing of dirty laundry in Applebome's piece had the potential to "shake up the Teaneck landscape." Surprisingly, the inital fallout from the article, which depicted growing alarm and resentment towards Orthodox Jews, "the most conspicuous and fastest-growing group in town," seemed limited. Until now.
Among those residents who spoke on the record about views of the Orthodox community was Barbara Ley Toffler, a member of the Planning Board. "People worry that there's a group that wants this to become an Orthodox community like some of the ones in Rockland County," she told the Times. "This has always been an incredibly diverse community, and from my perspective, I don't want it to become any one thing."
While this statement may be open to some interpretation (the first part suggested that it was "people," and not necessarily Toffler herself, who held that view), it upset Councilman Kevie Feit enough that he joined a majority in blocking Toffler's reappointment to the Planning Board. In widely circulated correspondance, Feit outlines some of the reasons why he felt he could not support Toffler's reappointment. Feit characterizes Toffler's statements as "insensitive, at best, and highly offensive, at worst." "Either way," he continues, "[they are] inappropriate for a member of the Planning Board to state publicly."
By Feit's own admission, his rationale for opposing Toffler is that she has conducted herself in a manner not befitting a member of the Planning Board and called her impartiality into question rather than any qualm he had with her actual performance as a member of that body. It is the quotation itself, and apparently some subsequent follow up comments that were circulated over e-mail that were at issue here. So here we do indeed have some tangible fallout from the Applebome piece. What will be the next shoe to drop?
While I agree with Toffler's perspective, I also agree with Councilman Feit that her remarks were inappropriate and could open the Planning Board and township to lawsuits.
I agree Toffler's statement may not have been appropriate given her planning board role. I find it extremely troubling that she was dismissed over making one possibly questionable comment. Were the new planning board members held to the same standards? What are their views? We will never know, because everything is done in closed session. It should be noted that Dr. Toffler wished to have her interview be public, but due to an arcane provision in the code, unless everyone agrees to have the process be public, none of it is.
Bravo to the Council for standing up for decency and fair play! How dare anyone tolerate public intolerance in Teaneck. Ms. Toffler's publicly expressed fear of diversity not measured to her standard makes her an inappropriate public representative on any body connected to the township. Anti-Orthodox sentiment is as repellant as any other kind of bigotry. All the Orthodox Teaneckers I know happen to be equally good neighbors to all others around them, not that they need to prove themselves in our genuinely pluralistic society.
I DO NOT agree with Toffler. I think this is a classic us vs. them (orthodox vs. non-orthodox) hate mongering. While I do think that the Orthodox community sometimes is orthodox-centric to some issues, I think that both the article and the following statements being made are ridiculous.
The reason this town has a boring, quiet, dull downtown area is because every time the council tries to do anything, they are attacked, called names, obstructed, and then are yelled at by those same people for inaction. What should be the fight here is getting the blue laws removed for Teaneck and creating both an industrial base and a healthy new downtown idea.
In closing, if these people who keep harping on the history of Teaneck's integration and pluralism, perhaps their outright bigotry toward the Orthodox should cease and and the mantle of those ideals be raised up once again.
I honestly don't understand what comment Toffler made was anti-Orthodox. Can someone please tell me what it was, because I have re-read the article and I simply don't come to that conclusion.
Toffler expressed
concern "that there's a group that wants this to become an Orthodox
community like some of the ones in Rockland County" (direct quote).
'This sentiment,' responded Feit, 'is insensitive, at best, and highly offensive, at
worst. Either way, it is inappropriate for a member of the Planning
Board to state publicly. I am sure you did not mean to offend a large
portion of the Teaneck community but this is what you have done. When
I had the opportunity to follow up with you via email, you reiterated your position and
stated further "that it feels like orthodox Jews have separated
themselves from the rest of us" and "I have to say that I do not feel
like you want me to be part of your "community."'
Feit continued, 'Would such a statement be acceptable if you removed the word Orthodox
and inserted a different demographic group? I don't think so.'
Does that clear it up for you? Do you think "Your Community" versus "My Community" is what Teaneck is about? Do you note who has introduced the anti-pluralistic, anti-inclusive tone and language? Let me spell it out-- it is Toffler.
Apparently, she was VERY upset that she was "passed over" by an Orthodox member on the board.
I was under the impression that the guy from the NY Times was brought by Senator Loretta Weinberg since her office is on cedar lane and her comments were focussed on in the article.
Mrs. Toffler's remarks pale in comparison to the blatantly racist remarks that came in the last campaign, which put Feit and his colleagues into office. It took a tremendous amount of blatant race baiting to get these folks into office, and no one in the council majority seemed to be willing to renounce the racist campaign while they were running or while they were in office. It seems a bit "chutzpah" for someone who is in office largely because of a racist campaign to be complaining about insensitivity from Mrs. Toffler.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Does anyone know whether there was a public vote on the nomination or appointment? If so who voted for or against it?
I believe that the official "vote" will come on Tuesday. There was a discussion at the public meeting (workshop) at 11:00 pm last Tuesday night. I was the only member of the public in attendance at that time. At that time, Dr. Toffler was nominated for reappointment by Jackie Kates and also support by Lizette Parker. Council members Feit, Gussen, Rudolph, and Katz did not support her reappointment, though the process was somewhat unclear to me and was done by a show of hands indicating that Dr. Toffler did not have the four votes necessary for reappointment. Monica Honis was absent.
To the best of my knowledge, public discussion of all board appointments and nominations occurred between 11:00 and about 11:12, when the board moved on to the next agenda item and I left because I was exhausted.
anon 1:04am
the majority of votes but this council into office.
I don't know about you but I for one was shocked to see Jackie support Toffler after the thing Toffle has said about Jackie
Um, nobody said boo about Jackie and Barbara working together to throw Eric Brower off the planning board 3 weeks ago. I guess that is acceptable...
"What concerns me is that it feels like orthodox Jews have separated themselves from the rest of us -- like we are no longer the "one people" who grew Teaneck (and other suburban communities) into a place that accepted Jews as involved and important members of the greater community. Using my usual "candor," as you say, I have to say that I do not feel like you want me to be part of your "community.""
I would like the explanation here of what she means by "separated themselves". In what way? Council? Ambulance Corps? Planning board? Business Association? Volunteer groups? Tax base?
Where exactly, other than Barbara's own mind, have the Orthodox "separated themselves"?
Sounds ridiculous to me.
Re Eric Brauer- good point- here is a non jewish (and a german protestant for that matter) that gets along well with the orthodox and non orthodox, pretty much doing what he feels is best but starts voting more on the side of orthodox, so jackie made the move to get rid of him so Toffler can grab his seat. Then we have a Muslim of Pakistani descent appointed by, you guesed, the majority of council. No noise there since it doesn't serve the new beginnings cause.
I'm surprised that Jackie can still support Barbara after her very public comments.
Don't be surprised about Jackie "limelight" Kates. She has been bashing and trashing the Council men since last July. If not in public, plenty of private phone calls and emails to help turn the public against them. This is another one of her stunts. Anyone who knows Teaneck history knows that Sandy Loft and Jackie "community relations task force" Kates were never friends. Was it a big surprise that she "publicly" pretended to support her. If she can accomplish the same using Barbara Toffler, she will; no matter what Toffler feels or says.
How did Jacqi get her photo into the Record editorial the other day together with the false implication that she alone represents honesty in our township government? She is the biggest self-promoter in Teaneck history.
Anonymous 1:04, you may want to rethink your shoot from the hip comment of,
"Mrs. Toffler's remarks pale in comparison to the blatantly racist remarks that came in the last campaign, which put Feit and his colleagues into office."
Do you have any proof that Councilman Feit had anything to do with - or any knowledge of - any fliers that you are referring to? If not, it would behoove you to keep your slander to yourself.
There's no proof that Feit was in on this election fraud. Theres clearly election fraud and its clear who they were out to elect. There are a whole bunch of rather cocky co-conspirators who were able to cheat the system once and they would do it again, but the council put their foot down to stop to this dirty campaign stuff, right?
There's no proof that Feit was in on this election fraud.
There's no proof that Feit was not in on this election fraud.
"There's no proof that Feit was not in on this election fraud."
Democracy has left the building!!!
Are you aware of "Presumption of Innocence"?
If not, please go here :
Thank you Anonymous 10:57 for beating me to the punch.
It's incredible that Anonymous 8:54 would even think to write something like that. You must have gone to the Mike Nifong School of Law.
Dr. Znus and Anon 10.57-
The problem is that even with your comments about presumption of innocence you seemingly accept the BIG LIE that there was ever any election fraud. There wasn't any, except in the minds and hearts of Schwartz and Cramer. Of course Feit is innocent--because there was never any crime!!!
There most definitely was a crime.
What keeps you from admitting that?
If for some reason you do not believe it, ask Cramer and Schwartz, or any other knowledgeable citizen to show you the evidence. I have seen some of the evidence printed in the Suburbanite and on some of Teaneck blog pages. May he who has eyes see!
Those in the know do not ask "whether" a crime was committed, but WHO perpetuated the crime. Seek the know the rest!
Only two names were mentioned in the Bergen County Prosecutor's files -- and they both sit on the Township council and benefited from the tainted campaign cards, letters, and robocalls!!
These crimes are serious, and if we had less tainted government governance, those responsible would have been indicted by now.
There is a cloud over the Teaneck administration. In the name of fairness, it is time to move forward with a resolution to the problem and with justice for all. Let those who are accused come forth and submit to the process of the law, let those who quest for the truth be satisfied.
Deuteronomy 13:14 Then shalt thou inquire, and make search, and ask diligently; and, behold, if it be truth, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought among you...
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