Squeaky wheels

As always, it is an open question whether theory accords with reality. While it may seem like a good idea to increase options for commuters and other users of public transportation in Teaneck, a recent article in the Record suggests that inviting jitney buses to cruise Teaneck's streets may not be the most responsible course. As the article notes, operators of the jitney buses have been cited frequently for safety violations and in some cases may not exert a great deal of oversight over whom they hire to drive their vehicles. Of course, in their defense, they claim that as largely unregulated competitors to NJ Transit, they are being singled out unfairly for extra scrutiny by local authorities for a variety of reasons unrelated to their actual safety records.
Whatever the course of action Teaneck follows, it is important that traffic and safety concerns be weighed equally alongside the potential benefits of bringing in the jitneys.
Jitneys could be an excellent way to ease the parking/transportation problems of Teaneck.
Since the Council keeps removing parking spaces -- even more were taken away tonight- from residents who try to avoid using private cars (by taking the bus), it behooves the town fathers and mothers to get us Spanish buses that will take us from our various home neighborhoods into NYC. If Mayor Bloomberg's congestion parking takes effect this will be absolutely imperative.
I see on tv that the same lies by Cramer and Schwartz are squeaking out at the Council meeting. "Simoncini" baloney is being smeared out in the style of McCarthy.
the vans are under the supervision of the New Jersey department of Transportation. Complain to them.
I take it back! Simoncini told the truth as did Cramer and Schwartz.
The jitneys seem like a good idea to fill in the gaps in intra-Teaneck public transportation. I recently had a babysitter who lived in Teaneck (or Bogota) just past Degraw, and she needed to get to us in the West Englewood area every morning. It would take her about an hour and a half. About 40 minutes of walking, 30 minutes of waiting at a bus stop for a transfer and 20 minutes of actual bus ride time.
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