The dots are connected

In the best of all worlds, Teaneck would not have elected officials with close political ties to groups whose interests are not aligned (and in fact are sometimes opposed) to those of Teaneck residents. The last thing Teaneck wants is to have its municipal government gripped by political infighting and patronage arrangements that aggrandize individuals and political parties at the expense of the community. However, as other posters on this site have pointed out, in the event such ties do exist, the voters of Teaneck are better off knowing about them.
The information is now out there on the table. Residents can now incorporate it into their decision making process as they evaluate whether Council member Rudolph and the rest of their elected officials are serving them well. A bit of prejudice in this case may be natural, but we must also allow Rudolph the opportunity to demonstrate that he is faithful to Teaneck above other masters. While the bar may be now set a little bit higher, there is no automatic disqualification for anything Rudolph does on account of his other associations. As always, we need to evaluate each matter on an issue by issue basis.
Never trust anyone under 30. This guy has been under a cloud since day 1. You are absolutely correct that the onus is on Mr. Rudolph to demonstrate that he can make a substantive contribution to furthering the welfare of the town and is not merely an ethically challenged political hack.
I hope you bring vigor and fresh ideas to the county like you havedone here in just a short time. GOOD LUCK
Payback comes quick in Bergen County. Considering that Rudolph has done nothing in Teaneck (nothing positive, for sure) it seems that the folks in Hackensack jumped through hoops to get this political appointment for him. Its hard to tell who looks more foolish - the people of Teaneck for voting for this hack or the Democrat Party machine in Bergen County for trying to convince people with a straight face that this guy has any experience to justify shoving him into this position. Its time to start planning to end this all in 2008. Having him act as a buffoon for the whole county like he's done in Teaneck can only help.
Let's see now...having been elected last May in spite of the fact he knew little about a number of Teaneck issues when questioned at forums (admitted he didn't even know where the Swim Club was much less what was the issue with the lease...), he got his way by getting appointed to the Planning Board, made sure Birdsall got a nice consulting job in Teaneck, and less than two weeks after their report was done, he gets this "job". Now those are the dots to be following... pays to have friends in high places, I guess.
Just think, if this sqeaky voiced, pimpled face punk was able to get the Brett Park parking lot passed he would have gotten paid the whole $145,000. We should be honored to have someone with his high level of expirence who has been a political hack since he was 13. Just don't get to close to him, or you'll smell what his new boss ate for dinner last night.
Let take a differant angle.
Teaneck has not gotten its fair share from county and state for years. Ms Weinberg make the news all the time but she fails to bring home the Bacon for Teaneck.
Maybe some of council people haveing some clout at the county level with the REAL democrats will help. It can not hurt.
Well you do have a point with Loretta -- all talk, very little real local support esp. for our schools and grant dollars for local needs like park and traffic improvements, although I do admire her stance on health care issues. But this latest example of political patronage stinks from the ground my humble opinion. And yes, his votes on Town Council are now completely suspect, unless he recuses himself.
Teaneck certainly has not gotten its fair share of state aid for years. But if there is any meaningful increase in aid forthcoming from anywhere, it'll be coming from the State of New Jersey, not from Bergen County.
To quote from an earlier post:
"Teaneck residents and members of the Township Council need to do a far better job of reaching out and lobbying our legislators and advocating on behalf of Teaneck. Part of this lobbying involves making the strong case and appealing to a sense of logic and fairness that the existing "formula" (I've asked for and searched for it and never seen it, ever, in any form) dramatically shortchanges Teaneck. The other part of lobbying involves developing positive relationships with our legislative representatives, a task that some of Teaneck's Township Council have not made much progress in. If one wants to have a friend in government, it pays to actually try to be a friend."
"With the recognition statewide that our school funding system is utterly broken, bipartisan support exists for making substantive changes. We in Teaneck ought to be doing whatever we can to make this change as friendly to Teaneck as possible by working as closely as we can with our representatives in the Statehouse. It's nice to have friends in Bergen County government, but the largess that offers the greatest possible benefit to Teaneck -- and its taxpayers -- comes from Trenton, not Hackensack."
Very little has changed since I first wrote those lines. This announcement is great news for Mr. Rudolph. But it's hard to see how Teaneck residents will come out ahead from his new position.
Alan Sohn
It is, however, quite easy to envision how Teaneck could come out the worse from his new position.
Alan Sohn said...
Teaneck certainly has not gotten its fair share of state aid for years. But if there is any meaningful increase in aid forthcoming from anywhere, it'll be coming from the State of New Jersey, not from Bergen County.
So true especially with the current team of state legislators in office. Time for a changing of the guard?
Why isn't anyone bitching about the jobs Jackie Kates had at the County level and her current "STATE" job?
Believe me, when Valerie Huttle starts paying Jackie $95 grand a year (instead of a salary a fresh-out-of-junior-college-grad wouldn't take) for getting the council to hire her favored firm, I'll start bitching.
Brennan is at it again
JeffOstroth said...
Believe me, when Valerie Huttle starts paying Jackie $95 grand a year (instead of a salary a fresh-out-of-junior-college-grad wouldn't take) for getting the council to hire her favored firm, I'll start bitching.
C'mon, Jeff. You started a long time ago.
C'mon, Jeff. You started a long time ago.
:-)))) True, but not about that.
Do any of our anonymous posters really think that Rudolph is qualified for this political job the bosses gave him in Hackensack? Do any of our anonymous posters really think that he's qualified for the position he has on the town council? Does anyone know where people with real qualifications and experience can sign up to get one of these cushy jobs that seem to require nothing but a pulse?
Does anyone know where people with real qualifications and experience can sign up to get one of these cushy jobs that seem to require nothing but a pulse?
One could try right here in Teaneck on Cedar Lane at Weinberg/Huttle/Johnson HQ. On the other hand, "real qualifications and experience" may take you out of the running.
Brennan for Manager
Brennan for Manager
Jack Terhune is actually rumored to want that job. Maybe the fire chief's post could become available?
Teaneck is becoming a run down town full of empty stores, litter and deteriorating streetscapes. If it takes a political appointment to get results that improve the town--then it's worth it.
Rudolph is a political hack who got into office as part of one of Teaneck's dirtiest campaigns ever. For all his political know-how he didn't file his financial reports on time and didn't claim a contribution from another candidate on his reports. Then he refused to pass a resolution against dirty campaigns. Then we have the whole Birdsall fiasco and the Sanzari parking lot. You can read all about it everywhere but in the phony newspaper he's behind. Rudolph is looking out only for himself. Helping Teaneck has nothing to do with his power grab. 2008 won't come soon enough to get rid of this ugly blot on Teaneck.
It seems everytime Rudolph talks he gets himself in a mess. He is horribly unqualified because he cannot listen. His dialog is always argumentative and he does not act on the best interest of the people of the town.
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