Teaneck Blog

Casting a wary eye on Teaneck politics and municipal affairs

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Whew. What was that all about?

Now that two of the most controversial and emotional issues facing Teaneck have been given the sendoff they deserved, what do we argue about next as we prepare to enter 2007? Though the outcome of the Mandate for Peace initiative was never really in doubt, one has to hope that the most recent public repudiation of an attempt by actvists to coopt the Council's voice will persuade these groups from wasting Teaneck's time with such stunts in the future. More significantly, the awkwardly handled and most probably ill-conceived Brett Park plan has been scuttled due to overwhelming public opposition and probable legal obstacles. Where will the next battleground be?

It seems safe to surmise that with no progress yet on development front, more controversial proposals will be coming down the pike and the Council and Planning Board will be spending a lot of time fielding complaints and mollifying residents over the coming months. The DMV issue probably has a little more left in it. Judging from rumblings in some quarters, employee relations may soon come back into focus as well. And if one prominent Teaneck resident and his anonymous informant have their way, there will be plenty more fallout from the 2006 Council elections to keep the chattering classes occupied. But for all the foreboding over controversies to come, at least one uncomfortable situation is now behind us: East Oakdene Ave. is officially renamed Puffin Way. Happy holidays!


At 1:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But for all the foreboding over controversies to come, at least one uncomfortable situation is now behind us: East Oakdene Ave. is officially renamed Puffin Way.

This should prove one and for all to all you pessimists that change is possible.

Happy Holidays!

At 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you think they will be able to accomplish anything worth-while outside of renaming streets?
They way things are headed...it makes me wonder

At 10:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Teaneck debates Iraq war: Should troops come home?
The council voted not to put the resolution on a future agenda. The majority of council members said the war was not a municipal issue. However, the council also agreed to pursue other wording for a resolution regarding the war that might be considered appropriate.

Councilmembers Feit, Kates, Parker and Honis "agreed to pursue other wording" that might be acceptable to a majority of the council. While all except Honis expressed reservations about this being a matter for a council resolution, they agreed to look for a resolution that a majority could sign as individuals.

They were willing to take a public stand expressing their views on this important national issue. This is a mark of leadership. Of the six council members at the meeting, only councilmember Gussen dismissed the issue entirely as being outside the purview of the council.

At 9:47 AM, Blogger Teaneck Blog said...

Actually, this agreement to "pursue other wording" demonstrates just the opposite of leadership. It is pandering to an outraged group of voters to avoid drawing their ire in spite of the principled disagreement you have with them or attempting to salvage a moral victory for your base, depending on the Council member to which you are referring.

At 12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We Have fighting here in the streets of Teaneck. You want peace and justice, instead of marching at the armory do watch patrols on Teaneck Rd , the Walgreen Shopping Plaza and other parts of town, patrol after school events. Keep the peace here at home 1st.

At 2:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 8:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The manager must go- toss her out on her rear and this Town will improve. If only the Mayor and 3 useless female councilmembers would pull their heads out of her anal crevice!!

At 10:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that mode of speech detracts from the little bit of good you have to offer

At 1:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As expected, the Mandate for Peace continued to be the main topic of Tuesdays council meeting. The councilmembers continue to give it the "sendoff" it deserves with ongoing discussions. The majority of the council have promised to continue to see if they can come up with a mandate that the majority of the council can sign.

At 1:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After the meeting Mayor Katz was swayed by the P & J crowd.He sent a email to Pres Bush who upon receiving it schduled a News Conferance.THe war is over ...
The Pres was so impressed that Teaneck took such a position against the war that he declared it over. Thank You


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