Give them a round of applause

But before we lavish all the praise on the first rate professionals who bring us our local weekly, let us remember those who help make the paper not only a pleasure to read, but also an educational experience week after week. I'm referring to you, local hatemongers. No, they could not have done it without you. You, too, deserve a pat in the back, not only for deftly linking the sketchy details of some playgroup spat with Zionist transgressions in the Middle East a couple of weeks ago, but also for this week's diagnosis of a "climate of Jewish clannishness so evident in Teaneck and elsewhere" and for the superb explication of how it is that "segregation whether race (sic) or religious breeds fear and contempt." How else would the poor benighted souls of Teaneck learn that "our public school children are exposed to this with the Asian population" who "lack the will to assimilate?"
Hopefully, action will be taken against this "clannishness" and faculty at the local schools will wake up to the fact that they are failing non-Asian students thanks to these wonderful letters. Thank you to the Suburbanite for printing such worthy correspondence and thank you to the esteemed letter writers from Teaneck and River Edge for their enlightening comments.
Do people actually read that rag still???
I don't -
The Suburbanite hasn't seen fit to deliver one to our neighborhood since Queen Anne road was closed in October for PSE&G repairs.
Thanks to Teaneck Blog and Teaneck Progress for keeping me up to speed
You have to admire an editor who can cobble together such fine content week after week. Take a bow, Suburbanite staff.
Thank you to the Suburbanite for printing such worthy correspondence...
I ask you, is such caustic sarcasm necessary? One of the things I've always liked about The Suburbanite is that unlike their big brother The Record, they pretty much print everything they've got, in its entirety without editing. (Don't even think about submitting a letter longer than 200 words to The Record unless you want to see it cut to shreds.)
This isn't "cobbled together"'s just there the way it came in. Much like Teaneck Blog lets the bigoted and vapid rantings of "teanecksucks" and all her/his other screennames sit on the threads unmolested.
bigoted rantings...please give me a break...
Not all of us are rah-rah over the B.S. that occurs in this town.
And if stating a fact such as whites are the minority in the public schools or jews outnumber, or soon will, other faiths in this town is bigoted you need to wake up...these are simple FACTS :)
This isn't "cobbled together"'s just there the way it came in. Much like Teaneck Blog lets the bigoted and vapid rantings of "teanecksucks" and all her/his other screennames sit on the threads unmolested.
Actually, I'd say it's quite different. First of all, on account of the medium being used, anyone is free to take issue with and immediately reply to offensive remarks on Teaneck Blog. Nobody enjoys the privilege of having their hate speech in print for a full week with no rebuttal.
More importantly, the content of this website is not left on the driveway of every resident. I submit that it is quite a bit more distressing to be minding your own business at home and to have this filth delivered to your doorstep (with the imprimatur of a major regional media company on it) than it is to encounter one voice among many spouting offensive remarks when you go actively looking for information on the Internet.
Who cares where the comments are printed be it the local rag or on a website...
If you dont like it dont read it...plain and simple:)
...and if you don't like what Karin K. Schickelgruber has to say, the best thing to do is to ignore her!
News flash- Manager orders resident whack jobs to flood Suburbanite with inflammatory letters and opinions to thwart attention away from her uselessness.
Not all are buying it.
Exactly...if you dont like Karin K.'s comments then dont read them :)
But please note I dont have a Jew last name :)...I have a nice Austrian last name....nice try though :)
Teaneck Blog said ...
Actually, I'd say it's quite different.
Anonymity is a more important factor in making it different.
Schickelgruber is Hitler's real name.
Any relation Karin?
Outside of us both being Austrian...nah :)
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