Teaneck Blog

Casting a wary eye on Teaneck politics and municipal affairs

Monday, August 28, 2006

Another take on how we rate

New Jersey Monthly magazine is out with yet another set of rankings, and this time it might just serve to lift the spirits of Teaneck residents. Despite the magazine's low opinion of Teaneck as a place to live, it rates Teaneck High the 102nd best of New Jersey's 316 public high schools (28th out of 45 in Bergen County). This contrasts with the recent data from New Jersey's Department of Education that depicted Teaneck High School as a failing school in need of overhaul, based on federal and state accountability standards.

There is a simple explanation for this. The formula employed by New Jersey Monthly, while a broad measure of school quality, rewards schools for the performance and ambition of its highest achieving students by considering post-graduation plans, average SAT scores, Advanced Placement scores, and 'advanced proficiency' designations on HSPA exams. The state school report cards, on the other hand, judge whether minimum standards have been met in various categories, which essentially boils down to judging the school's lowest achievers. The contrasting results of two different measurements of Teaneck High School's quality seem to validate the argument that Teaneck High School offers a good education for those with the inclination and ability to take advantage of the resources, though it may struggle with some of the more difficult cases.

Is this the perfect rebuttal to those who would denigrate the quality of Teaneck's public schools? No, certainly not. We would all like to see the negative labels removed from the schools and the wide disparities in educational outcomes among Teaneck's students begin to narrow (with improvement at the bottom, not deterioration at the top, of course). It does, however, illustrate that the most significant problems facing the school district are the financial ones. As long as the extraordinarily high spending persists, residents and prospective residents will fixate on the negatives. But if we can find ways to bring the costs of running Teaneck's schools into line with the averages, the image problems will take care of themselves.


At 7:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Considering the fact tthat the latest state average cost per pupil now is over $12,000, I don't think Teaneck Public Schools are that far off the mark...especially considering the varied needs of our students and the district's commitment to raising the achievement gap.

At 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"varying needs of our students"...

do I dare ask what they may be outside of the BASiCS?? Do we really need to teach dance and the other GARBAGE classes that are offered at THS??
As to raising the achievement gap in the schools...Teaneck has a long way to go...the majority of the kids in the schools (blacks) still are not on the same par or level with the few white kids that are left in the school system!
More $$ is not going to solve the issues that plague the schools here in town...perhaps better teachers, admin and kids and parents that give a shit about the edcuation might improve matters...I guess we will see...since the school budget was FINALLY defeated lets see what the BOE can do with a few less $$!!!

At 6:36 AM, Blogger Teaneck Blog said...

Considering the fact that the latest state average cost per pupil now is over $12,000, I don't think Teaneck Public Schools are that far off the mark...

You are certainly entitled to your opinion but the numbers do not agree, as has been extensively documented in previous postings on this site.

At 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay I will give you credit for your opinions, as hostile or negative as they may be. I also agree that more committed parents and guardians may help keep kids on task and motivate them to do better and try harder. Given that, I totally disagree with what you call "garbage" classes, as our breadth of electives supplements our core academic structure, and that makes for a more well-rounded high school experience as many of our top students will attest to. THS has a much higher set of graduation requirements than most high schools in the state (140 credits, community service, senior project, 4-year math requirement, etc.) and passed an independent 2-year middle states review with much praise.

At 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

do I dare ask what they may be outside of the BASiCS?? Do we really need to teach dance and the other GARBAGE classes that are offered at THS??

Anything that keeps kids motivated and interested in the basics is well worth the $. The so-called garbage classes are the 'hook' that keeps kids looking forward to waking up in the morning and attending classes.

And my goodness - you certainly write in a hostile, negative and unpleasant manner. I look forward to never meeting you in person.

At 1:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So dance and other similar classes is what keeps the kids coming back??
what does that say about the kids that attend THS? Doesnt sound like they want to learn unless they can have some mindless dribble to waste time and money on!
Yes I do write in a negative manner..why becuase I see tons of money being wasted in the Teaneck School system..money that does not make the school system a good one nor does it produce too many scholars!
I too hope to never meet you in person...you probably are one of those ignornat folks that think that Teaneck is sending well prepared scholars into the world (HAHAHA!!!).
Thank GOD my kids attend private schools where they want to go to each day and where dance and other garbage classes are not offered to "entice" kids to come to school...but heck my kids attend College Prep schools (high schools) I would expect that level of edcuation and thank GOD I can afford it!

At 2:07 PM, Blogger esther said...

It's E-D-U-C-A-T-I-O-N, not edcuation.

At 3:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone wonder why the Teaneck Blogger only argues with someone who appears to support public education like the first anonymous poster while the ignorant ranting of the other anonymous poster go unchallenged by the Blogger? Could there be some bias on the bloggers part?

Perhaps this is why he is so willing to trumpet anything that makes the schools sound bad, while belittling any standard that might portray the schools in a favorable light.

At 4:34 PM, Blogger esther said...

There seems to be many folks out there who are eager to hear bad news about the schools as it bolsters their argument for cutting the budget.

I wonder how many of the people who badmouth public education were themselves beneficiaries of public education?

Perhaps I'm being a tad overdramatic, but I think that this trend in the last two decades of rejecting public education bodes ill for our unity and common purpose as a nation.

At 5:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Swurgle - I agreee with you regarding the neglect of unity and common purpose.

The bombastic anonymous poster shows his/her unconcern for the spirit of community with the following statements:

but heck my kids attend College Prep schools (high schools) I would expect that level of edcuation and thank GOD I can afford it!

One of things that makes this country great is that Education is available to everyone, no matter what their socio-economic status is, via the public school system. Support, both financial and through positive encouragement, are essential to the foundation of American values.

the majority of the kids in the schools (blacks) still are not on the same par or level with the few white kids that are left in the school system!

I cannot think of a more divisive, negative statement. It is also extremely racist and offensive.

I'm really hoping that Teaneck Blogger's lack of response to this garbage is not an endorsement of it. I'm giving him/her the benefit of the doubt that he/she didn't think this was worthy of a response.

However, leaving statements such as these unchallenged is simply not acceptable if you are hoping to affect positive change.

At 6:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Swurgle can you honestly state that you are OVERLY PROUD of the Teaneck School System and ALL that is stands for and gives to the kids?

I see the kids that attend the public schools..they leave their homes dressed like hookers and the guys look like their pants need suspenders..the kids have no respect for teachers in classes and the level of education that is coming out of the schools makes me scared...these kids, a large majority, are not prepared for anything but the welfare system.

I think that parents need to be held responsible for the quality of the education...it would seem that many parents in Teaneck could care less (sad)!

I choose not to send my kids to the Teaneck Schools...why because the enviroment is not what I want for my kids and the level of education is not on par (it is below par) in what they get at their school(s).

Yes I am a product of the Teaneck School system, way back when Teaneck was KNOWN for its schools...sad to say that is NO LONGER the case.

At 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As to leaving my comments unchallenged...could it be because many of them are true?!?!

If you honestly look at what the schools are doing who is attending them etc. you will see that they are not as wonderful as you make them out to be :-)

At 6:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is very confusing to read. It would be helpful if people who wish to remain anonymous would choose names rather than posting as "anonymous." That way, it will be clear which anonymous poster is saying what. Thanks!

At 8:08 PM, Blogger PublicSchoolParent said...

Does anyone wonder why the Teaneck Blogger only argues with someone who appears to support public education like the first anonymous poster while the ignorant ranting of the other anonymous poster go unchallenged by the Blogger? Could there be some bias on the bloggers part?

I'm not sure I agree. I ignored the ignorant and childish comments of that anon. because the comments are, well, ignorant and childish

At 12:08 PM, Blogger Teaneck Blog said...

I'm really hoping that Teaneck Blogger's lack of response to this garbage is not an endorsement of it. I'm giving him/her the benefit of the doubt that he/she didn't think this was worthy of a response.

To all those concerned at my lack of a rebuttal to the angry postings deriding THS and the composition of the students, I think my original posting made it quite clear that I do not share the opinions of the anonymous poster in question. In general, I try not to respond to what I perceive to be deliberately inflammatory posts, unless they come from a certain individual who is hell-bent on uncovering bias in anything and everything posted on this blog.

At 5:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess he thinks everyone who reads this is to stupid to see the bias.

At 5:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess he thinks everyone who reads this is to stupid to see the bias.

At 6:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a good one...LOL!!!

At 6:52 PM, Blogger Teaneck Blog said...

I'm not sure it even makes any sense to complain of "bias" on what is clearly intended as an opinion site that makes no claim whatsoever to impartiality, but there seem to be a number of critics sounding the same note. I'm not the least bit surprised. This jives with the current tendency in Teaneck to seek to discredit or otherwise dismiss that which you cannot defeat through reasoned argument. Fortunately, it doesn't work.

At 7:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm confused, Teaneck Blogger-

Are you saying that the post wasn't racist or

are you saying that there is truth in the racist comment?

At 2:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would not care about the bias if you didn't continuously distort the facts to support your views.

At 8:22 AM, Blogger Teaneck Blog said...

I would not care about the bias if you didn't continuously distort the facts to support your views.

As usual, an unsupported statement impugning the integrity of the writer rather than the integrity of the arguments.

At 8:34 AM, Blogger Teaneck Blog said...

I'm confused, Teaneck Blogger-

Are you saying that the post wasn't racist or

are you saying that there is truth in the racist comment?

I assume you are referring to this part of the anonymous comment-

As to raising the achievement gap in the schools...Teaneck has a long way to go...the majority of the kids in the schools (blacks) still are not on the same par or level with the few white kids that are left in the school system!

The reference to race here is completely gratuitous and is included mainly to shock and anger others. Is that racist? Yes, I think it is when it is put this way.

Do I feel a bit sheepish saying so, given that the state educational system chooses to accentuate racial characteristics in reporting results rather than socioeconomic ones? Is there a grain of statistical truth in what the poster says despite the harshness of tone and imprecise generalization contained in his/her words? I think we have to concede that there is.

At 10:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

An example of a distortion:

This contrasts with the recent data from New Jersey's Department of Education that depicted Teaneck High School as a failing school in need of overhaul, based on federal and state accountability standards.

At 11:58 AM, Blogger Teaneck Blog said...

The Year 4 status that has now been conferred on Teaneck High School classifies it as a "school in need of improvement" and mandates "corrective action" according to the NCLB/Title I School Improvement Continuum Chart. If THS were to move into Year 5 status, a school restructuring plan would need to be formulated. So my characterization did not involve any distortion of the facts, and certainly did not reflect any inherent bias against THS, as it was written in the context of a post that enthusiastically presented a more positive view of Teaneck High School.

Nice try, though.

At 2:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"... in the context of a post that enthusiastically presented a more positive view of Teaneck High School."

You're joking or delusional?

At 2:42 PM, Blogger Teaneck Blog said...

Take off the blinders!

It's rather apparent that many in the BoE's amen chorus have the attitude that "you're either with us or you're with the anti-public school crowd." This may be a natural reaction to the frustrating and alarming feeling that community support for the schools is slipping, but it is still terribly misguided. One can be a supporter of a strong public education system in Teaneck while recognizing some of the flaws in how the schools are currently managed.

At 5:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you're saying that THS is failing due to bad management?

At 6:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

IMHO, THS is failing becuase NOT ENOUGH PARENTS care about the education that their kids are getting!

At 9:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

... many in the BoE's amen chorus have the attitude that "you're either with us or you're with the anti-public school crowd."

Back to using straw men?

At 11:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too hope to never meet you in person...you probably are one of those ignornat folks that think that Teaneck is sending well prepared scholars into the world (HAHAHA!!!).

When reading the comments on this blog it pains me that some people are so harshly judging the school system when their own comments are filled with spelling and grammar errors. Talk about being "ignornat"


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