Casting a wary eye on Teaneck politics and municipal affairs
Friday, August 18, 2006
Bloc busting
While they failed in their attempt to vote down the addition of a nativity scene to the annual holiday display on the Municipal Green (see page 5 of the August 16, 2006 edition of the Suburbanite), the fact that Council members Jacqueline Kates and Adam Gussen joined together and spoke with one voice on a significant issue should bring a warm and fuzzy feeling to everyone in town. Rejoice, concerned citizens of Teaneck! All is right once again. The hatchet has been buried between the once mortal enemies. The old and the new have united, and more importantly, with the defection of Councilman Gussen, the dreaded four man conspiracy to commandeer the municipal government and bend the Township to its monstrous will is no more!
Those of us who favor a more secular approach to marking the seasons may not have gotten our way, but at least we can rest easy that the Council members will vote their conscience on issues rather than just the party line. Or can we? The emergence of a new five person bloc on the nativity scene issue, consisting of Council members Feit, Rudolph, and Honis alongside Deputy Mayor Parker and Mayor Katz, may portend more trouble ahead. Raise the alarm!
The Ethical Culture Society is busy at work on a colossal bust of Felix Adler. We're hopeful that the Council will permit us to display it in front of the Municipal Building this December.
As the Dali Lama has pointed out, Tibeten Budhists don't just believe that man descended from monkeys, they believe that God is a monkey! I am going to request that a statue of King Kong be placed on the Town Green.
I realize your initial posting was bordering on the absurd, but it is a little disturbing as well. I just hope the Winter Solstice folks come up with their display -- let's add to the holiday lights on December 21st. Then again, all these displays and lights add to the township's electric bill, don't they? Oy vey!
At this point, the floodgates have been opened (or we have descended the "slippery slope" as former mayor Kates put it). I'm all in favor of piling on the applications for any and every religion, sect, cult, and school of thought there is just to show the absurdity of the whole thing.
But the important thing is that the iron grip of the cabal has been broken since Councilman Gussen left the dark side. Teaneck is now safe from everything but excessive holiday decoration.
Big deal (about Kates and Gussen voting on the same side) -- I'm not so impressed. Gussen could side with Kates safely to quell some of the rising commentary about his allegiance with the other three men, knowing the motion was going to pass anyway. I'm more interested in long-term displays of independent thinking...
Does anyone have any thoughts as to the best place for a Festivus Pole on the Municipal Green? Festivus falls out on December 23rd, at the height of the non-denominational holiday season, and deserves inclusion. We can have the traditional "Airing of Grievances" at the Township Council meeting closest to the 23rd.
The Ethical Culture Society is busy at work on a colossal bust of Felix Adler. We're hopeful that the Council will permit us to display it in front of the Municipal Building this December.
As the Dali Lama has pointed out, Tibeten Budhists don't just believe that man descended from monkeys, they believe that God is a monkey! I am going to request that a statue of King Kong be placed on the Town Green.
I realize your initial posting was bordering on the absurd, but it is a little disturbing as well. I just hope the Winter Solstice folks come up with their display -- let's add to the holiday lights on December 21st. Then again, all these displays and lights add to the township's electric bill, don't they? Oy vey!
Surely followers of the FSM should be entitled to a display as well.
At this point, the floodgates have been opened (or we have descended the "slippery slope" as former mayor Kates put it). I'm all in favor of piling on the applications for any and every religion, sect, cult, and school of thought there is just to show the absurdity of the whole thing.
But the important thing is that the iron grip of the cabal has been broken since Councilman Gussen left the dark side. Teaneck is now safe from everything but excessive holiday decoration.
We all heard how clever you were trying to be the first time.
Big deal (about Kates and Gussen voting on the same side) -- I'm not so impressed. Gussen could side with Kates safely to quell some of the rising commentary about his allegiance with the other three men, knowing the motion was going to pass anyway. I'm more interested in long-term displays of independent thinking...
Whatever happened to separation of church and state? We shouldn't have a nativity scene, menorah or any other religious items on the Municpal Green.
Does anyone have any thoughts as to the best place for a Festivus Pole on the Municipal Green? Festivus falls out on December 23rd, at the height of the non-denominational holiday season, and deserves inclusion. We can have the traditional "Airing of Grievances" at the Township Council meeting closest to the 23rd.
Alan Sohn
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