Rearguard action has failed

To the credit of the Council members targeted by these attacks, they have, up to now, remained above the fray, refusing to allow themselves to be sidetracked from the business of governing Teaneck. While it has not been all smooth sailing for the newer, younger Council, and reasonable people may disagree over some of the measures the Council has enacted, this Council has thus far fulfilled its promise to be more ambitious, more proactive, and more pragmatic in tackling the challenges that face Teaneck.
Given the inability of the opponents of the Council to distract the Council members by extending the last election campaign, and the limited patience the voting public has for that sort of sniping, perhaps it is time for a change in direction. Here's a little advice for the opposition. Figure out what issues you really care about, and engage the Council in a dignified debate about those. That way, you might actually do something positive for Teaneck.
*"Elected officials who have obtained their position by virtue of fraudulent misrepresentations and illegal campaign practices sit in valueless seats, devoid of the public confidence so necessary to govern in a democracy. I urge the members of the majority who voted against this resolution to write to this newspaper and assure the public that they were not personally involved in these illegal campaign practices and that they have no idea who was. Unless they do so, we have no choice but to believe that the opposite is true."
To the credit of the Council members targeted by these attacks, they have, up to now, remained above the fray, refusing to allow themselves to be sidetracked from the business of governing Teaneck. While it has not been all smooth sailing for the newer, younger Council, and reasonable people may disagree over some of the measures the Council has enacted, this Council has thus far fulfilled its promise to be more ambitious, more proactive, and more pragmatic in tackling the challenges that face Teaneck.
After reading the absurd letter to the editor in the Suburbanite and the comments in the blogs, I am convinced that Mr. Friedman does not exist other then in the minds of a couple of people who are bent on disrespecting/discrediting this Council. Who really wrote the letter? While most people around town are angry that the paper was stupid enough to print such trash which only serves to hurt and split Teaneck more, I think the "real" writer of that letter is politically connected and expects to gain from all this. Now this is my opinion and I don't have proof to back it up yet, I think this hoax might have a strong connection to Jackie Kates and Monica Hones. No one appears as upset with thosed attacked in the letter more than them.If you don't know what I mean by this, take in a Council meeting(live, on cable or video in the library).
I think this hoax might have a strong connection to Jackie Kates and Monica Hones.
Just when we stoop lower than ever, we manage to stoop even lower. I disagree wholeheartedly with "David Friedman", who seems to be no more temperate and dispassionate than our Anonymous poster, both of whom spread their baseless suppositions and accusations while shamelessly hiding behind the curtain of anonymity, using the fig leaf that it's just their "opinion".
As TeaneckBlog has indicated, I have tremendous respect for every member of our Council, who have steadfastly "remained above the fray".
Way back when, we thought we had problems with Bill Brennan, who at least had the nerve to put his name on his vile posts. I can assure you that neither of our partisan posters have the decency to disclose their real names. Show up at tonight's Council meeting or watch on Channel 77. I can assure you that neither of our friends, "David" or "Anonymous", will be showing up to spew their venom in public.
In the extremely unlikely event that there is any proof of wrongdoing, I sincerely hope that Mr. Gallucci's example will be followed. Given that not a shred of evidence has been provided for any of the accusations spread either before the campaign or after the current Council has been seated, regardless of the target, I sincerely hope that we will all show a strong measure of decency and reject these attempts to malign those who serve the public on the Township Council.
I'd repeat the same message to "David Friedman" and "Anonymous" if they had the guts to identify themselves.
Alan Sohn
I agree with Teaneck Blog and Alan Sohn. I also have tremendous respect for the Council members who have steadfastly "remained above the fray". I hope our Council members continue with their 'promise to be more ambitious, more proactive, and more pragmatic in tackling the challenges that face Teaneck'.
Vile? I take exception to such a characterization. It was Gallucci who engaged in vile behavior and it was I who objected.
In case you missed it Teaneck paid out 3 million to my side after wasting over 10 million tax dollars trying to destroy me. Vile is a good word for the events that transpired, you have ascribed it to the wrong party.
Bill Brennan
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