Teaneck Blog

Casting a wary eye on Teaneck politics and municipal affairs

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Where do we sign?

Bloomberg reports on a tantalizing proposal from Governor Corzine that would award funding to municipalities that reduce property taxes. With details sketchy at this point, it is hard to judge whether the plan to borrow against revenues from the state sales tax increase makes any sense whatsoever or whether it has a chance of ever being implemented. But it would certainly be welcome help after years of declining state contributions to local governments.

One wonders whether Teaneck is set up to compete for these state grants, if they become a reality. The flip side of the relative purity and civility of our non-partisan local government is that we lack natural allies on the regional and state levels. State Sen. Weinberg has certainly demonstrated her loyalty to Teaneck in the past, but one wonders whether Teaneck could come out a winner in a mad scramble for cash given the state of New Jersey politics today.

Of course, in theory, the Corzine plan is supposed to be reward those towns that take steps to merit the aid from Trenton, which raises a different question. Can a new and relatively inexperienced Council push through the measures necessary to qualify for the grants?

Let's hope Teaneck's government would be able to mobilize itself to grab the carrot before we get whacked again with the stick.


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