Painful truths

Kelly presents a number of plausible explanations for the lack of communication between residents and the authorities, including one that is rather distressing, coming as it does from the author of Color Lines, in which Kelly chronicled the turbulent aftermath of the shooting death of another teenager in Teaneck (that of Phillip Pannell in 1990). "The outright mistrust of police in far too many black neighborhoods" could be to blame for the fact that nobody got in touch with the police, he suggests.
If that was indeed the case, then the recent labor strife between unionized officers and management is far from the most serious issue facing the Township and its uniformed personnel. The real concern is that we might not have not come all that far over the past sixteen years, despite all the civilian boards, community policing programs, diversity initiatives, and other measures that have been taken to repair relations between Teaneck police and the community. We'd all be wise to heed Kelly's admonishments and work hard to put aside our differences when a serious issue arises, if for no other reason than the safety and welfare of our children.
You have got to be kidding!!!!!
Comparing the issues of the Pannel shooting and the gang killing of Ricky Smith.
Leave it to Mike Kelly to bring up something that happened 16 years ago.
What 16 year old gang member is going to alert the police that gang members are coming to their party in Teanecck or any other town for that matter??
Mike Kelly should be ashamed of himself. But from what I can tell he has no conscience so that would never happen.
Oh phooey, Teaneck Blog! When in history have kids ever trusted the police or openly called them with leads? The worst thing a kid can do is be accused of "ratting" on another kid, or ruining a good time for other kids. Like it or not, it's been the culture since our parents' days in the 40's and 50's -- sure was that way in the late 60's and 70's!!! Kelly brings up some valid concerns, but the biggest concern is why an adult was running a "pay-at-the-door" party and had underage kids there after midnight, not to mention gang members... the neighbors must be ballistic about this. I would be...
Although I have not been entirely in favor of the police union's behavior in regards to township management, I do want to note that since 1990, the department has bent over backwards to create the Community Policing Bureau, to establish a good relationship between the Juvenile Bureau and the high school (that's one place where the kids do trust the patrolling officers), and continue to respond within minutes to any calls they get.
The Community Policing unit also has a strong presence within the elementary schools through the DARE program. As a result, my kids recognize members of the Teaneck Police Department and hold them in high regard. This can only bode well as kids move up into middle school.
anonymous: YOU have got to be kidding!!!! All the blogger did was mention that Mike Kelly was the author of the book about the Pannel shooting. Before you go jumping down someone's throat, READ THE ARTICLE SLOWLY WITH A DICTIONARY. READ THE BLOG SLOWLY SOUNDING OUT THE WORDS. And spare us your sarcasm. You are a very fooolish person.
It should be noted that the man who nurtured our respected community policing program along was Paul Tiernan, now our Chief of Police.
Me foolish? But of course I think we could have an openminded dialogue on this blog without nasty comments to the writers.
In my opinion and I do believe I am still entitled to that - Mike Kelly is a hate monger...
I have read his book and I did not need a dictionary to do it.
Teaneck has had a gang problem for a long time. It took this tragic event to bring it to light.
Giving credit to Chief Tiernan? Ha Ha..
It was the fine individual street officers and detectives of this department who did that. They always did care and will continue to care about the youth and the community as a whole.
Excuse me -- just because someone praises the past efforts of Chief Tiernan to establish a Community Policing program doesn't mean that the efforts of individual officers aren't supported. You betray your loyalties when you knock the police leadership so openly.
To the poster of the first and the seventh comments:
Have you still not figured out that when you said "Leave it to Mike Kelly to bring up something that happened 16 years ago," you showed that you hadn't read the posted article? Mike Kelly didn't bring it up; you just couldn't follow what the Blogger was saying.
The first requisite for an "openminded dialogue" is to come with an open mind. The best way to avoid "nasty comments" is not to come with a nasty attitude from the get-go.
You do betray your loyalties. And in light of your surly obtuseness, they're not surprising.
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