
It is therefore worth examining the statements Mayor Katz made to the Record after his selection for clues as to the direction in which he hopes to steer Teaneck over the coming years.
"I look to a future that we can create and build upon," Katz said. "We have a unique opportunity to increase revenue to our town through new development."This is not mere boilerplate. While many Council candidates, both victorious and defeated, made similar comments during the election season, contrast Katz's comments to those of the newly elected deputy mayor, Lizette Parker.Katz also pledged to help make municipal government more "user friendly" for residents, businesses and township employees.
"I look forward to working with the council to put forth an agenda that will help the residents of Teaneck by improving services, bringing ratables to town and bridging the divides that fall within our community," Parker said.Contrast them again with what outgoing Mayor Jacqueline Kates told the Record about her objectives just prior to her installation as Mayor in 2002.
"Kates said she is looking forward to shepherding the township's new master plan, which guides land-use decisions. She said she also would focus on improving relations between different groups in town, and would encourage the public to participate in a townwide 'visioning process' that will result in guidelines for future policy" (Teaneck mayor passing the baton; Backs a colleague as his successor, Bergen Record, June 4, 2002).Katz is signalling that he intends to take a pragmatic approach to governing Teaneck, focusing on hard issues like the homeowner tax burden and governmental red-tape rather than wading into the murky waters of "uniting the community" and other areas in which success is impossible to measure and government has little to contribute. Since Katz is a popular figure with broad appeal and a well-deserved reputation as an advocate for all of Teaneck, some residents may be disappointed that Katz does not intend to use his position to
influence intracommunity relations. Others will be justifiably pleased that a man who has substantial experience in both the realms of policy and politics has chosen the former to be the centerpiece of his first term in office.
having known elie for 15 years and well versed in teaneck politics, i think teaneck is in the hands of the best possible person, and think that we as teaneck residents have our best chance of having new jerseys mayor of the year for 2007!
After such a vicious campaign, it was gracious and entirely appropriate for Parker to make references to "bridging the divides that fall within our community".
With all the concerns Teaneck Citizens have, it's reassuring to see Teaneck with such leadership. We ought to see alot of changes around here in the next few years.. awfully exciting.
I entirely agree with Teaneck Blog's comments on Eli Katz, but the digs at Parker and Kates are gratuitious and out of character for Teaneck Blog.
I too hope for the best from Eli Katz, but let's not forget that he is part of the status quo, that he gave us the same vague promises about "responsible development" and "sharing services" as the others and that he too failed to offer any suggestions as to what he would cut out of the budget. As a popular incumbent, he had a great opportunity to tell us all the things that he did in these regards during he previous terms. The fact that he didn't tells me that, except for the cell phone tower, he hasn't been able to do much.
but the digs at Parker and Kates are gratuitious and out of character for Teaneck Blog
Digs? Please explain.
Katz is signalling that he intends to take a pragmatic approach to governing Teaneck, focusing on hard issues like the homeowner tax burden and governmental red-tape rather than wading into the murky waters of "uniting the community" and other areas in which success is impossible to measure and government has little to contribute
those digs
those digs
Truth be told and when looking at the previous Mayor's agenda (community relations, visioning, adopting a new Master Plan, etc.), not much has been done over the past four years. Teaneck's citizens are now hopeful that the new Mayor and Council will show leadership as we move forward.
"Digs at Parker and Kates" implies that some kind of sarcasm or personal insult was involved. I don't see any of that there.
I stand by the distinction I drew between tangible issues that fall under the purview of municipal government and issues of social or communal feeling that do not, with no disrespect intended to Councilwomen Kates or Parker.
Lest we not forget, Mayor Kates was singlehandedly responsible for the outstanding "Leadership Teaneck" program that was run twice with cooperation from FDU, township and school officials, training a couple of dozen potential new leaders in our community and educating them about municipal and school issues they may face should they step up to the plate in the future. This program has already been lauded by other municipalities and Jackie's initiative in getting this started is indicative of her concern for the future of our town. She has also devoted much personal time to meeting with many many groups around town, and trying hard to bridge difficult issues. Sometimes Jackie succeeded, sometimes she didn't -- a mayor is often only as strong as the councilmembers she works with, and given the full plate of difficult legal, development and financial issues the council has had over the past couple of years, I don't think she should be faulted completely. At times her leadership wasn't as strong, but her heart and efforts were in the right place. Jackie has contributed tremendously to this community over many years, and we are the richer for it.
"The fact that he didn't tells me that, except for the cell phone tower, he hasn't been able to do much"
public school parent- were you following the campaign? At almost every stop Elie discussed his succesfull initiation of the hotel tax which brought in close to $1 million in revenue. This also shows his proactive revenue generating thinking. If you go to the meetings, you will see how Jackie held him down in his seat and slowed the pace of progress. Do not get me wrong, Jackie did a great job of putting a smile on Teanecks image, but that did not help my taxes. Furthermore, Elie is extremely accessible, whether it be his welking throughout town or his office location in which he urges people to come by with an appointment and talk. Am i the only person who thinks its weird that Monica Honis gives out no personal information on the Teaneck Web Site, ie address, phone number or email? (see http://www.teanecknjgov.org/council/aboutcouncil.htm)
And by the way- ever try using a cell phone at the Rhodda Center? soon we can thank Elie for that as well.
Am i the only person who thinks its weird that Monica Honis gives out no personal information on the Teaneck Web Site, ie address, phone number or email?
Nope. There may be as many as 39,259 others in Teaneck that feel the same.
See the Jewish Standard http://www.jstandard.com/articles/1268/1/Teaneck%92s-first-frum-mayor
At almost every stop Elie discussed his succesfull initiation of the hotel tax which brought in close to $1 million in revenue
Yes, you're right, I forgot about that in my post
Delicious irony in that article from the Jewish Standard- they slap the headline "Teaneck's First Frum Mayor" on an article that contains more than a few lines about how Mayor Katz doesn't want to be viewed through the prism of his religious beliefs.
Can't blame a Jewish publication for focusing on the religious angle, but I find that funny.
Can't blame a Jewish publication for focusing on the religious angle, but I find that funny.
Deja vu, all over again. Remember the feature article in another Jewish publication several months ago that raised the ire of many in town, especially the Teaneck New Beginnings campaign manager? Will that individual bash the Jewish Standard as well? I guess we will need to wait and see.
Am i the only person who thinks its weird that Monica Honis gives out no personal information on the Teaneck Web Site, ie address, phone number or email?
Maybe her parents won't allow her to have a phone in her room.
I am very concerned about this new mayor.
In his business dealings, he has lied extensively.
I also feel that he will be a corrupt politician, and use his office to better himself financially, as he is a landlord he has stated.
I am very fearful for the worst here.
IN addition, he has stated that he wants more development to raise money.
This is a problem. We are already very overcrowded in Bergen county.
Why do we need more people and businesses to move in?
It will only lower the already dismal quality of life.
Do we have to have yet another kosher restaurant?
Why not have Jews move to other communities that are losing population?
I hope he will have the sense to listen to opposing views, but I am not that optimisitic.
Charles490 said:
"Why not have Jews move to other communities that are losing population?"
Now there's someone who thinks outside the box.
But why stop with the Jews? While we're at it, let's have the African Americans, the Philipinos, the Pakistanis, the Dominicans, the Puerto Ricans and the Jamaicans move to other communities as well.
Then Teaneck will cease to exist.
Problem solved.
"Am i the only person who thinks its weird that Monica Honis gives out no personal information on the Teaneck Web Site, ie address, phone number or email? (see http://www.teanecknjgov.org/council/aboutcouncil.htm"
Monica's info is there, so no need to make any more cute jokes about her age. give her a buzz if you have a message for her.
I've been told that Monica is one of the older people on this council. She may even be the second oldest council member.
Every other council member listed on the about council: web page of the municipal website gives a home address, a home telephone number, and a personal e-mail address. Honis gives the address of the municipal building, the municipal phone number, and the municipal e-mail address. "Monica's info" is not there, Mr. S.
Most likely she is the second oldest member of the council. Chronologically, anyway.
Swurgle, you enjoy traffic jams, having to park many blocks away from your destination, noise, polltution?
Charles490- Any all that is caused by the Jews? Give me a break. I'm glad the Jews are here. They stabilized a community in decline. And without Kosher restaurants, Ceder Lane and West Englewood Ave were dead. Maybe you should move. There are very few Jews in Wyoming.
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