Brian Aberback points out an interesting fact in his
write-up of Saturday evening's Council Reorganization Meeting: six out of seven sitting Council members are between the ages of 24 to 35. According to the U.S.
Census, the median age of Teaneck residents was 38.4 in the year 2000. This makes young adults the single most overrepresented demographic in municipal government. Now I understand why Ronald Schwartz, Joseph Harris, and other
mature Teaneck personalities were so upset about "block voting."
While the chronological age of the council is worth noting, what is also worth remembering is the fact that several of the council members besides Mrs. Kates and Ms. Honig have grown up in Teaneck and are quite familiar with Teaneck's history. This will at least help them to "hit the ground running," although I would have preferred that the new council members (besides Mr. Katz of course, who was re-elected) had attended more of the council meetings and familiarized themselves more with a wider range of township issues before the election season took hold last year. There is always something to be said for doing your homework...
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