Teaneck Blog

Casting a wary eye on Teaneck politics and municipal affairs

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Shocked out of my complacency

A disturbing report in today's Record suggests that it's time for some self-flagellation, or at least serious reflection. While we sit in front of our computers sparring over zoning plans or the best place to put a coffee shop, we are apparently overlooking a festering issue that threatens our community, our property, and even our lives far more than any ordinance in the Council chamber or change to a business district ever could.

Where have I been all this time? I admit that, stunned as I was by the incident, I wrote off the tragic shooting of Ricky Smith last year as an isolated occurrence, an unfortunate but rather improbable sequence of events not likely to be repeated. I admit that I viewed initiatives such as Teaneck Comes Together as well-intentioned but ultimately unnecessary in a solidly middle class suburb such as Teaneck. I admit that I found it a bit ridiculous to introduce anti-gang programs into schools in which the vast majority of students are college bound kids from stable homes with healthy incomes. This is not Bed-Stuy or even Hackensack, I thought, this is Teaneck.

Shameful as it is, I have to acknowledge that the turning point came this morning. The arrests
of seven gang members on Cedar Lane near Chadwick Road for possession of a loaded weapon who forced me to open my eyes- Cedar Lane near Chadwick Road! Yards from the Municipal Complex, mere feet from luxurious private homes and peaceful St. Mark's...

Now I am forced to admit what
we can no longer deny. The streets of our Township are playing host to horrifying gang violence and it is not going away on its own. Stopping it must become priority number one for Teaneck residents and officials. That's right, priority number one. Nobody ran on a platform of making Teaneck's streets safer and rooting out gangs; anyone who would have would have been laughed out of town for doing so. However, our leaders have to to stand up now and take up this issue forcefully because if law and order and public safety are compromised, everything else is meaningless.

The TPD should be commended for its excellent work in limiting the damage on Tuesday, but the job is far from done. Teaneck must be free of all gang activity. Public safety officials should study the problem carefully, putting egos aside and drawing on outside resources with the necessary expertise and experience when appropriate, to tell us exactly what they need to make sure we do not have to fear this anymore. And we ought to be ready to consider their requests carefully and do all we can to equip our officers to blot this out of Teaneck for good, even if it means putting other longstanding priorities aside.

Encouraging postscript: The Record reports that the TPD has assigned two more officers to the gang suppression effort and quotes Chief Tiernan as saying "
We're hoping to sit down with the council soon and discuss what resources we need to get a better grip on things." Mayor Katz is also quoted stating his determination not to overlook this problem. This is exactly what we needed to hear.


At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you actually think that gangs where not an issue in Teaneck?

At 11:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also speaking of cops does anybody know why the Bergen County Cops and it looked like the Bomb Squad where at the corner of Palisades Ave and Demott Ave at the corner house about 630am yesterday (Wed)???

At 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gangs are an issue in Teaneck. There are many reasons for this, but when I was in Teaneck HS, we had a lot of wanna-be thugs roaming around.

At 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now you know why all those Democratic township officials were keeping a wary eye on Giuliani Tuesday. Wherever he goes wars break out. No sooner did he come to town than he has gotten the Crips and Bloods fighting in Teaneck!

At 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eyes have been shut with all the allusions about the "character of our single family neighborhoods". Teaneck needs to open it's eyes to a reality that is going to redefine the character of the town, and get it's priorities in check.

At 1:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe if Honis & Parker make a black female sergeant Chief, the gang problem will go away!!

At 2:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joke all you want to, but the established presence of gangs (and thereby guns and drugs) is no laughing matter. This problem has been brewing for a long time and we are very lucky that the events earlier this week turned out as well as they did.

In this circumstance, I agree completely with Teaneck Blog that we need to make this our number one priority in town.

At 2:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In this circumstance, I agree completely with Teaneck Blog that we need to make this our number one priority in town.

Is that after the taxes and school budget and everything that needs or attention in this town??

Why wasnt this taken care of earlier when it first started being a problem???

At 2:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems the news is that crime is way down in New York City. Is it down in Teaneck too? Does one warm day make it spring? Aren't you all taking one incident and blowing it up? Leonard Bernstein, if he were around, could turn this into a musical, especially if he based it on a Shakespearean story. Oh he did that, in the 1950's???? Whoa. Chill.

At 3:39 PM, Blogger esther said...

The people who ought to be concerned about this issue: the police, the teacher and school administrators and public school parents have been working together since the shooting last year to combat the influence of gangs on a vulnerable subset of kids in town.

As for Karin's excellent question:
Why wasnt this taken care of earlier when it first started being a problem???

You go girl! And why haven't those doctors conquered cancer! And why haven't the politicians done anything about world peace! And what about those polar ice cap! Why the heck can't things just get taken care of?

Perhaps a young retired person like you can use all your spare time to make a difference in the world.

At 4:36 PM, Blogger Teaneck Blog said...

The people who ought to be concerned about this issue: the police, the teacher and school administrators and public school parents have been working together since the shooting last year to combat the influence of gangs on a vulnerable subset of kids in town.

This is a long-term fix. Regrettably, prevention programs and early interventions can't alleviate the existing condition. A crackdown is needed to weed out the bad seeds acting up in Teaneck and send the message to gang members from outside of town that Teaneck is not worth visiting.

At 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the 1950's they mostly used knives and fists. Now they use guns.

At 5:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

swurgle said:
"You go girl! And why haven't those doctors conquered cancer! And why haven't the politicians done anything about world peace! And what about those polar ice cap! Why the heck can't things just get taken care of?

No need for sarcasm Swurgle...I mean gosh arent you afraid for your kiddies lives..heck they spend more time in Teaneck than I and my family do, I am sure on a daily basis.

Perhaps a young retired person like you can use all your spare time to make a difference in the world"

Perhaps you and other teaneck school parents would be in a better posiition to help the kids. You guys seem to be so active in the school system I am really amazed this porblem has gotten this far or this bad!

At 5:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zip guns fired bullets!

At 5:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, zip guns did. Now we have semi-automatic weapons (as in this case) today. You get my drift -- the consequences today are more dire.

At 7:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We do need to do something. Why are you all inside chained to your computers? Become part of your neighborhood watch. Get to know the kids on your block and keep an eye out for them around town. Get involved in youth programs.

Go outside!

At 7:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the Bergen Record:

"Those charged in Teaneck were James Kennerly, 23, of Manhattan; Brian Collier, 24, of Paterson; and Brandon Henry, 25, Lawrence Jennings, 19, Jaybron Jennings, 21, and Jarod Chisholm, 22, all of Hackensack."

It seems like this is a much larger regional problem. Makes the solution that much more difficult.

At 7:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 10:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 9:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From today's Record: "A former township resident has been charged with beating another teen with a baseball bat during a gang-related fight, police said.

Tristan Haynes, 18, was charged Wednesday with aggravated assault and possession of a weapon for unlawful purposes, said Police Chief Paul Tiernan. Haynes moved from Teaneck to Hackensack within the past two months, Tiernan said.

While it may be a regional problem, it's evidently something that festered from within Teaneck.

Wonder how many tens of thousands of our tax dollars were wasted on this gangsta wannabee.

At 9:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prepared by ASU, June 1, 2005 Page 1 of 4

Summary of Information from Gang Survey:

Bergen County Respondents
The following information was obtained from the 2004 NJSP Gang Survey. It synopsizes
key findings about gangs in Bergen County.

63 agencies with full-time police forces responded to the survey. Five did not participate
(Carlstadt, Cresskill, Edgewater Boro, Hackensack and Hasbrouck Heights). This results in
an 93% response rate for Bergen County.

Gang Presence
Of those, 18 said they had gangs in 2003, 40 did not and five did not know. The following
is the breakdown of those responses:
"Yes" (GangPresence)
River Edge Police Department
North Arlington Police
Garfield Police Department
Palisades Park Police Department
Paramus Police Department
Park Ridge Police Department
Lyndhurst Police Department
Ridgewood Police Department
Fair Lawn Police Department
Englewood Police Department
Emerson Police Department
Bogota Police Department
Fairview Police Department
Westwood Police Department
Elmwood Park Police
Cliffside Park Police Department
Waldwick Police Department
Teaneck Police Department

At 4:40 PM, Blogger TFD FF said...

The problem in Eutopia 07666 today is what it was in L.A. 10 years ago.

It's about time you came out of your 1950's "Sandys" bag. It's here and getting stronger by the day.

Look how long the commuter parking has been an issue and that was always just pushed north. The council has known this for YEARS.

The gang problem has been around for years and the TPD (as always) is on top of it.

If there are any skeptics out there than why not this. Why don't you take a nice leisurely walk one evening around 9:00 from forest ave. up to the Friendlys ( Oh the good ol'e days) and than see for yourself.

Nice to see you all awake. Did you have a nice sleep???

At 4:44 PM, Blogger Alan Sohn said...

Gangs have been a festering issue for a long time here in Teaneck. The Teaneck Police Department, Township Council and Teaneck Public Schools have treated this as an extremely serious issue, all the more so since this past summer's shooting death. The Teaneck Police Department has been at the forefront in working together with federal, state, county and other local law enforcement issues on the gang problem.

It's the populace at large that has been in a massive state of denial at the scope of the problem.

To the credit of our community and to all those actively involved, Teaneck Comes Together was formed over the summer as part of an effort to create safe, supervised activities for teens and to educate their parents on teen issues. Yet at the TCT meetings and events that I've attended, the relative paucity of White residents has been evident as was the case (to a lesse extent) at the August 29th gang awareness presentation at Teaneck High School.

While many may think of gangs as an issue that only affects the African-American community, this is an issue that will never be dealt with effectively if we do not all recognize how thoroughly the gang culture has infused teen culture and values.

It's about time that more of us get that two-by-four on the head wakeup call that gangs are an issue for all of Teaneck.

Alan Sohn

At 5:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are they an issue for everybody? You say the police are on top of it. Good. Are the gangstas marauding around town or are they limiting their activities to immersing themselves amidst the neglected youngsters whose families don't give a darn about their kids' activities? There is a limit to what people can deal with. There are enough local issues (such as taxes) for most of us to worry about.

At 10:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Note the out of town real estate agencies that cater to Paterson, West NY, and communities where gang activity has been for years. It's not a matter of cruising into town, it's moving into town...

At 7:54 AM, Blogger Teaneck Blog said...

Why are they an issue for everybody? You say the police are on top of it. Good. Are the gangstas marauding around town or are they limiting their activities to immersing themselves amidst the neglected youngsters whose families don't give a darn about their kids' activities?

If we keep averting our eyes we could wind up like other communities that have permitted this scourge to continue unchecked. There are plenty of examples out there of neighborhoods that have been ravaged by gang activity. Do we want more street crime targeting innocents as part of initiations, the takeover of a schoolyard or public park or two as gang territory, and the odd stray bullet ending the life of a passerby with no connection to the violence, not to mention many clueless local kids getting sucked into a self-destructive lifestyle that leads to a life spent in and out of prison at best and severe disability or early death at worst? Let's see how easy it is to keep real estate values stable and spending under control while attracting new ratables in an environment like that.

You may not feel any threat from this quite yet, but you must agree that knowing what the potential consequences are and having gotten some ominous indications about an increase in this kind of thing recently, we'd be well-advised to turn our attentions to this problem immediately.

At 11:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fooey! Hysteria!

At 11:16 AM, Blogger davert said...

I think part of the problem is that the current school system doesn't think social issues are in their purview. If you contrast the charter school 7th/8th grader behavior with the "normal" middle school behavior, you'll see very different language, postures, and behaviors. I frankly think that many schools have been mistaken in their belief that the social systems of students are irrelevant and/or uncontrollable.

Establish a culture of respect and maturity, show people how to resolve conflicts peacefully and rationally (as Mort Deutsch has so successfully done in NYC - saving many lives each year! and reducing violence far more effectively than metal detectors), and you make the gang option far less attractive.

At 8:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we should have school uniforms... how is that for a start?

At 8:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

school unifroms are a great idea..heck they use them in many public schools in NYC.

At 7:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

THE RECORD also reported...

"The number of gang-related incidents in Teaneck, which include everything from assaults to reports of graffiti, jumped from 183 in 2005 to more than 300 in 2006, Tiernan said."

and in the same article...

"Police have identified about 60 suspected gang members living in the township, the chief said.

That is pretty scary!!!

Also lets not forget the following...

"The department has scheduled a gang awareness seminar for May 3 at Teaneck High School at 7 p.m"


At 12:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need capable people at the helm before the gang situation or anything else in town improves.
When will the council wake up and make the necessary changes?

At 12:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

People need to realize that all of Teaneck is not pretty.. deeming all of the gang members as "wannabee's" is the most dangerous approach to the issue. I'd like to know how many people have actually taken a ride down prospect ave., circle drwy., E. forest ave, Genesse ave.... Yes its not bed-stuy, or paterson. But its far from a suburban utopia... If go out of bergen county, to hudson county, passaic county, and even NYC.. Teaneck has reputation as being a rough area... Everyone in this town needs to stop kidding themselves thinking Teaneck is perfect... The township council makes it a point NOT to let the town know about ALOT of issues the police deal with everyday... The only way change will be made is when the people of the town come together.. I know for a fact that SOME people who live on the west side of town, north of rt. 4 don't know about ricky smith.. This town has been denying what it really is for years now... its time to wake up people... the gang problem is just the tip of iceberg.


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