Jackie strikes back

Most of the time, it is best to ignore the hecklers and let their own idiocy speak for itself. At the same time, a dedicated public servant and enthusiastic volunteer who for decades has contributed numerous hours to many causes in and around Teaneck and carried out the duties of an elected official with aplomb should not need to endure so much abuse. It is unclear why there is an ongoing effort to attack Kates' character rather than her positions, but the gauntlet has now been thrown down. The former mayor has it exactly right: if the critics have something on her, they must put it out there so she can have the opportunity to clear her name. If not, they should pipe down already.
"attempted to besmirch her reputation"?
I think she has been quite successful in doing that herself. She seems to be a dedicated council member... when she gets her way. But when she doesn't she goes for the jugular of everyone unfortunate enough to be in her path. The problem, as I see it, is that her temperamental, moody manner reminds me of my 3 year old daughter. THe huffing and puffing does nothing but show how she 'doesn't play nice with others'.
Jackie, stop being part of the problem and try being part of the solution. Grow up and look out for the interests of the constituents that put you in office. This town needs a lot of creative thinking to get us out of the myriad of problems we are facing. Your tired rehashed ideas for bringing about change here are more of the same unsuccessful endeavors that have been proven not to work. Please do something instead of complaining and grimacing at every township meeting. And, btw, nicely written article.
The gauntlet has been thrown. The endless vilification of Jackie Kates, a distinguished Teaneck citizen who has devoted her life to the township, had better end. The petty thugs who, as one blogger recently wrote, have filled the Council chamber with the "stench of mendacity" need to put up or shut up. It's all about honesty, character, and integrity. Jackie has it all.
Hey 1:05-
You're kidding or else YOU are a champ at mendacity. Jackie has been conniving behind everyone's back to keep the Council from making any progress. She pretends to be interested in doing the right thing. The key word is "pretends". I disagree with 1:03 who says she has "tired... ideas for bringing about change." The truth is she likes things the way they were before the last election. The only change she wants is to keep the Council from solving any of the problems she oversaw on her watch as Mayor. My feelings are those of Cromwell to the Long (Rump) Parliament:
"You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately… Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!"
Same old, same old. "Temperamental," "moody," "part of the problem," "tired," "complaining," "conniving," "pretending"... More labels slapped on and insults lobbed at no cost to the writers. If you're going to blast a dedicated public servant, at least take the trouble to point out where you have a substantive disagreement with her.
Bullies are impulsive
Bullies have little, if any, empathy
Bullies do not suffer from low self-esteem
Bullies need to control and dominate others
Bullies have a positive attitude toward aggression
Bullies have a strong desire to get or achieve something they feel they need
The words above were taken from a parent handbook, but they seem most appropriate here. Ms. Kates has had to deal with this kind of bullying for the past several months and has done so with remarkable aplomb. Since when is is okay to make personal attacks? The discouse in town has been reduced to little more than playground name-calling, and I for one am sick of it.
In response to the rejection of her candidate for the Historical Advisory Board that deals with the New Milford Landing, Ms. Kates declares to the Suburbanite that she will reject any candidate approved by the Board on principal. Age level of this conduct?
That's better. Now you can love the sinner but hate the sin. Was that so hard?
Hmmm. Let's see, the next people on the council who are up for election are...oh my goodness, they include Jackie Kates and Monica Honis. Is is any wonder that the powers that be are desperate to get these two women out of power. They dare to disagree with the boys, so off with their heads.
You can be sure that the personal attacks and organized campaign against both Jackie and Monica will continue until the municipal election 2008
Of course, Dirty Rudy is also coming up for election. I'm looking forward to it.
This is Ragger. Three huzzahs for Jackie Kates. She is a real Mensch, and we have all benfitted from her long service to our Town. Centanni, Jackie!
Wow. It always amazes me how people try and muddy discourse with issues that have nothing to do with the matters at hand here. Do you think the animosity towards Jackie is #1 because she is a woman and #2 she is being "bullied". Oh stop whining and argue the points rather than some made up argument. Always going to the good old persecution defense doesn't solve any of the underlying issues at hand.
You want an example that clearly shows Jackie's true colors? Ask JK who met with Sanzari personally for the parking lot. If she says it was anyone else but her, she is a phony two-faced backstabber. It was only when her fellow council members got heat that she then acted as if the council was craaaazy.
You can wave the flag for Jackie all you want, but if you don't know the facts, drop the sanctimonious nonsense. Leave the montessori school psychology in the playground.
I just viewed the tape of the council meeting at which Jackie said that she initially had supported the Brett Park parking lot (though not in the location it ultimately proposed), but then listened to what residents had to say and suggested that the item not be considered further because residents had researched the issue thoroughly, raised significant legal issues about environmental and historical issues, and it would not make sense for Council to pursue it further.
So to stick to the issues, what are your points? That Jackie attended a meeting with Sanzari (how you know that, I'm not sure)? And your other points would be?
You're a little sketchy on the issues yourself. This sanctimonious, montessori-psychology user wants more information from you.
That looks like the mall from Ladder 1.
For those who may not have seen the letter. Suburbanite March 7th:
To the editor:
I have had the privilege and honor of serving as an elected official in the Township of Teaneck for almost 30 years, having been elected to the Board of Education in 1978 and to the Township Council in 1996.
I am sure that there are residents who may have disagreed with some or perhaps many of my positions during my tenure. However, through all these years of public service, my character has never been brought into question.
That seems to have changed since July, 2006, as I read some of the letters in the Suburbanite and comments on the Teaneck blogs.
I have refrained from responding to these attacks, even though they have usually been factually inaccurate. However, I cannot refrain from responding to Dan Leubitz’s "letter to the editor" in the of Feb. 28 issue of the Suburbanite.
Mr. Leubitz implies that there may have been favoritism shown toward Council Member Honis and myself regarding the tax assessment of our homes. Not only is he impugning my integrity and that of my colleague, he is also implying wrong doing on the part of some Township entity, perhaps the Tax Assessor or Appraisal Systems, who was hired, not by me as he states, but by vote on the entire prior Council upon recommendation of the Tax Assessor and Municipal Manager. I suggest that, instead of engaging in innuendo and baseless attacks through the media, if Mr. Leubitz has any evidence of impropriety or illegality, he contact the County Prosecutor. I welcome an investigation that would uphold my reputation and honor as an elected official dedicated to serving the residents of Teaneck .
Jacqueline Kates
Council Member
MRS KATES HAS WORKED HARD FOR THE TOWN. But that does not excuse her behavior of recent months.If it is not her idea or she disagrees she makes faces and carries on in a manner that most would be embarassed by. Do not take my word for it, look at the video tapes of any good council discussion.YOU WILL SEE FOR SELF.
now she is former mayor next year she be former councilwoman
the comments pertaining to Jackies
homes value and Monicas mommies house is wrong and uncalled for.
somethings are just to crazy and that implication is one of them.
Jackie has a good heart but it's time for her to go.
And Monica is useless.
who's going to run next year?
I'd like to know more about the author of that despicable and untruthful smear, Dan Leubitz. If it's the guy I googled, he hasn't lived in Teaneck for several months. Who put him up to putting his name on that political hit job?
It seems that Dan Leubitz lives in Efrat, in the West Bank. Here's a comment he made in response to an article dated February 21, 2007 in the Jerusalem Post online. Considering that he represents that he lives in Efrat, it's interesting that he is writing to the Suburbanite impugning Councilwoman Kates' integrity.
22. Bibi, i like you. but youre a politician . You voted for the evacuation. not once but 3 times. You turned you back on them, when they needed you, and i guarantee we will turn our back when you need us. give up. you had your chance.
dan leubitz, efrat, Mar 4 9:03PM
The comment is available at:
You can also check out his blog:
He describes himself and his family:
Dan Leubitz born and raised in Cleveland Ohio, then made his way east via Columbus, the Bronx, teacneck NJ, and now the mideast.. i think the far east.. is simply that.. too far.
The Leubitz's picked up their lives and moved to Israel
Dan Leubitz is still a Teaneck taxpayer! He has a right to say where his tax dollars go and who represents his interests.
Whether Dan Leubitz is still a Teaneck taxpayer or not, his letter was sleazy and reprehensible.
Don't you agree?
PLUS...wasn't the letter signed Dan Leubitz, Teaneck? Was that truthful?
Anyway, I hope you got permission to use a picture of a piece of township property from the Manager.
Was it noted on your daily report?
Green paper please.
Jackie is interested in Jackie. She spent 30 years promoting herself. When she doesn't get her way, she will go after you.
I know her from the Center for many years. When she was Mayor, she forced the Rabbi to make a weekly special prayer for her.
Councilwoman Kates is selfish. Worked for the County, did nothing for Teaneck. Worked for Loretta Weinberg, did nothing for Teaneck.
Please tell me, somebody, anybody,
how has she helped our taxes? Give me one example. She attacked this Council for having extra budget meetings to try and find tax savings.
Not part of the solution so yes she is the problem.
Jackie needs to go.
Jackie Kates forced Paul Ostrow to give up his Mayor title and then treated him like *#@#. Ask him.
How is that for facts Mr. Blog!
How much do you need, to learn that she is not a good person. ME, ME, ME.
Every product has an expiration date and Ja-monica's is coming up soon.
Don't forget to toss it.
Expires July 1, 2008
New post at:
If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
Yep, Dirty Rudy is a sleaze, and so his his long-distance operative Dishonest Dan Leubitz. There's no refuting that, so let's change the subject and get back to our usual sleazy modus operandi of trashing Jackie. Anything to obscure the clear examples of our moral vacancy.
--Dirty Rudy's Rude Rubes
Such enlightened discourse -- Teaneck should be proud to have such thoughtful citizens commenting on the issues of the day!
Why are we complaining about Leubitz? Just because he spreads a libelous rumor charging the former of Teaneck with corruption in selecting an appraisal firm?
Meanwhile, for those of us who actually live in Teaneck, we have an incompetent councilman who uses his three months of failure on the council to engineer a political job he's unqualified for. His running mate abuses his council seat to grandstand for his buddy in the Senate race. The two of them failed to report their contributions on time and were the direct beneficiaries of an illegal mail campaign that seems designed to put these two morons into office.
And we're worried about the lies spread by a guy who doesn't even live in Teaneck? We've got our own problems. Two of them. It's time to take these two clowns down.
And we're worried about the lies spread by a guy who doesn't even live in Teaneck? We've got our own problems. Two of them. It's time to take these two clowns down.
Right on. Jackie and Monica should go.
Watch, they will wind up running for state senat or assembly too
Could they be appointed to judgeships?
Jackie goes with what she thinks is popular and makes her look good.
Monica appears to be a Jackie in training. The two of them with the FACES.....enough ....good bye
As curious as the valuations of Council members' houses may be,
Claims of their impropriety,
Should be backed up and verified,
Before said Council members are vilified,
By those with whom they might disagree.
1) i Live in Teaneck. I pay taxes in teaneck, i am from teaneck.
2) Where i hang my hat is irrelevant i have some 11,200 reasons to voice my opinion in teaneck.
3) i dont cower like all of you anonymous posters.. scared of the boogyman.
4) we all saw the same excel charts and if i would have noticed anyone in the public eye that did better then the average joe, then you better believe they would have been included.. take off your blinders and simply examine the facts presented.. this is not a "hit job" this is a pissed taxed payer.
6) Now get with the program, if youre slowing down progress in increasing the cities rateables, then youre increasing my taxes.. and if youre NOT in the same boat as your property didnt sky rocket because of some magic dust, then youve just struck another cord. These taxes are strangling, and i tired as all getup that people have the nerve to slow things down while families get strangled by these taxes.
7) anyone wanting to come visit me over here, you have an open invite, but please bring some thing from duty free, with taxes in teaneck the way they are.. things are a bit tight.
You should come to the Planning Board meeting tonight to speak up for development along American Legion Drive, which could generate millions of dollars in new taxes for Teaneck. A group of selfish NIMBY minded neighborhood residents will rail against the rezoning of the ALD area, and prevent development which will benefit the whole Town. Our peerless leader, Mayor Katz, listens to the loudest voices. So come out and shout, or there will be no growth in Teaneck and there will be no stopping the tax increases that are causing so much anguish to you and to many other Teaneck residents.
It seems everyone is so fascinated with Dan. I can tell you THIS- he is resident of Teaneck, owns property, pays local, state, federal taxes, etc. He is entitled, as all of you are, to be involved in and comment on the political situation in Teaneck, Bergen County, and the U.S. Being a taxpayer gives him this right.
I think that Dan has some valuable comments here, whether or not I agree with them. Kudos to dan for standing up with his opinion and for presenting the facts as they stand. Don't shoot the messenger- just because you don't like the truth that he is pointing out.
We all have valuable opinions here, and have the right to express it. Just because we don't agree, doesn't mean we shouldn't listen to what dan or anyone else has to say.
If you were to apply your "science" fairly, you would have singled out Elnatan Rudolph, too. His valuation was at the low end, so why not pick on him as you did Jackie Kates and Monica Honis? I look forward to your next letter to the Suburbanite in which you cite that fact.
This comment has been removed by the author.
the science wouldnt apply as he wasnt an elected councilman at the time the selection was going on.. but im glad you also took note that jackie and monicas property evals were indeed less then average.. id really like to understand how that happens.. does costco have a eval special rate?.. if so.. ill switch from BJ's in heartbeat.
One who’s re-eval has not been noted on this site,
Is our Honorable Councilman Mr. Feit.
Has anyone noticed how high his valuation went?
Well, I did; it’s up a whopping 159.1 percent.
I’m sorry to have interrupted the pessimistic content in herewith,
By showing that alleged impropriety by Mr. Feit is purely a misguided myth.
Is Leubitz actually standing behind his allegation that Jackie Kates and Monica Honis influenced the assessors to lower their taxes? If he's got proof, we'd all love to see it. Other than that, it's libel, under US or Israel law. Put up or shut up.
I took note that a large part of that neighborhood had lower reval. rates. In fact, pretty much all of Columbus was light blue. Do you think Ms. Kates ordered up a special rate for the entire street?
Dr. S(sz)euss:
I’m sorry to have interrupted the pessimistic content in herewith,
By showing that alleged impropriety by Mr. Feit is purely a misguided myth.
As far as I know, no one did allege impropriety by Mr. Feit. You are the first person to mention him on this thread.
However, you do raise a very important point. Mr. Feit lives is the Northeast, where valuations based on market activity have gone up relatively more. It's been noted before that houses in certain higher priced neighborhoods (like the Country Club section where Kates and Honis both live and parts of the Northwest) have not gone up as much.
The fact that the market didn't move in lockstep throughout Teaneck and in fact moved relatively higher among the more "affordable" homes is the biggest explanation for disparities in valuation increases. Another reason has to do with whether you were around to let the assessor into your property -- those whose property was physically inspected tended to do better. And then, there is a matter of luck.
Those who aren't happy with their revaluation are entitled to that feeling and also (if they're around) to contest it. What they're not entitled to do is to make rash and careless innuendo suggesting impropriety where no proof has been offered.
That was clearly unethical, Dan Leubitz, and in your heart you know it. You owe your former fellow citizens an apology.
Hey moron- Feit lives on the corner of Hudson & West Englewood- it doesn't get more northWEST than that!!
Monica should shave her moustache and armpits!! She grosses me out!!
Also, according to the Township website, Monica resides in the municipal building !!
Sorry. I've seen him waiting for the bus near the strip mall on Teanck Rd. and figured he lived nearby. My bad on that point.
What about the main point? Oh that's right. You'd rather spew out juvenile insults. But at least that's better than throwing out libelous innuendo you can't back up.
Enough already.
Will everyone please get a life!!!
True while nobody in this thread has taken Mr. Feit to task, there are some who tend to lump him in with the other 2 rookie council members who's last name isn't Parker.
Sort of guilt by - dare I say - religious association.
Being religious is not something anyone should feel guilty about. Only in Teaneck!
I hope you didn't think that I was saying religion = guilt.
Quite the contrary. My point is that there are unfortunately some who lump Mr. Feit in with others with whom they may - vehemently - disagree, simply because they practice their religion in the same manner.
(Dr.'s note: To avoid misunderstanding, I am in no way stating that I agree with those who make claims of illegal or underhanded practices against other council members)
I am saying that since before the election there has been an effort by some of the losing candidates and their cohorts to attack the council majority (who were essentially truly not running mates during the election)on religious grounds. There is nothing more odious and illegal than to impose a religious test (or anti-religious test).
Dr. S(zs)uess, you've taken us fairly far afield from the subject at hand, which as you rightly said is, "Claims of...impropriety,/Should be backed up and verified,/Before said Council members are vilified,/By those with whom they might disagree.
12:47, I think there are many examples from both without and within the Orthodox community in which one's association with religion has been used to ascribe either guilt or absolution or the primary reason to vote for or against someone.
Will the Teaneck Blogger please come up with a new ax to grind. This horse has been beaten to death 57 times (like the ketchup)
If you read the letters posted by Yitz Stern and the "Frum Four" article in the Jewish Standard, they were very much running mates. The phone calls that went out and the emails about the eruv all treated them as running mates.
There was an effort in place well before this campaign started to try to foment Orthodox support for Orthodox candidates using fear tactics and lies. The phone calls, emails and letters, as well as the illegal campaign mailings were all part of a well-designed plan that operated solely based on religion.
If there was no religious test, why was Yitz Stern a perfect 4-for-4 on selecting and endorsing Orthodox candidates exclusively? Was there a religious test?
There is a difference between accepting an endorsement, and running as a bloc of 4. The 2 are not mutually exclusive.
Whether it was perceived as such by some little free monthly "newspaper" with a staff of what is likely no more than 5 people, does not make it true.
In the Jewish Standard? NO, NO.5:18. The lies palpable and gross here merely illustrate the irresponsible and despicable anti-Orthodox bias that I complained about before.
First of all, it wasn't the Jewish Standard, it was the Jewish Voice and Opinion.
But, it was Mr. Stern who sent the following letter on May 8th, which clearly states that he was asked by the candidates to send the letter. Why was Mr. Stern only endorsing Orthodox candidates? Was there not a single individual among the 13 other non-Orthodox candidates worthy of support from Mr. Stern? It sure sounds like a "religious test" to me. Read for yourself:
As we approach the election tomorrow, much has been said in the media and “on the street” regarding the various candidates that are running. This election is unique in that, of the five seats up for grabs, we will see new faces in at least three of them. Many of you are aware of my involvement in the issues that have affected this great town for the past 16 years. I have always been a strong advocate for the concerns of the greater Teaneck community and I would like us all to continue and build upon our past efforts and successes so that, together, we will make Teaneck an even greater place to live, work and play.
Our past successes are also based upon those we elect having the skill to work productively together with the others they serve with. I believe that Adam Gussen, Elnatan Rudolph, Kevie Feit and Elie Katz have that ability and I am happy to say they have all asked that I write to you on their behalf. By voting for a group of candidates who will work together, you assure that you are being represented on issues important to you and your family.
Tomorrow, I again ask that you make an extra effort and join me at the polls to support the election of Adam Gussen, Elnatan Rudolph and Kevie Feit and the re-election of my colleague, Councilman Elie Katz. In a community like Teaneck, every vote really does count. A Council election such as this one will be decided, unfortunately, by a small percentage of the registered voters.
Therefore, if you go to the polls and cast your ballot, your vote will have a huge impact. This is a unique opportunity for all of us to show that we are united in our
support and concern for the greater good. The polls will be open from 6 AM until 8 PM. Adam, Elnatan, Kevie and Elie will be listed as follows:
Line 4 ----- Adam Gussen (Column 1) and Elnatan Rudolph (Column 2)
Line 9 ----- Kevie Feit (Column 1)
Line 12 ----- Elie Katz (Column 1)
As always, I look forward to your continued input so that we may continue to advocate for the issues that are important to our entire community. Please feel free to call or e-mail me with any questions.
All the best,
Yitz Stern
The letter speaks for itself.
A quick Google search reveals that:
Dan Leubitz purchased his house for $420,000 in August 2002.
In April 2006, he put the house on the market on a for sale by owner website for $599,000, although if he'd been serious about it he would've listed it through a broker.
After 2 months in June 2006, he reduced the price to $545,000.
And now, according to houseinteaneck.com the price is down to $499,000.
Would someone please buy Dan Leubitz's house so we can be rid of him already?
Searched that Yitz Stern letter for evidence of a religious test. Guess what--nothing there but a concern for the best candidates. And based on what we've seen so far (growing pains and all) his preferred candidates are shaping up to give us hope of the best Council we have had in many years. Since the younger element among Teaneck dwellers are significantly Orthodox it can easily be chalked up to coincidence that Yitz endorsed one traditionally Jewish candidate and three Orthodox ones. As I said earlier, there is a disgusting anti-Orthodox bias that is present in the religious testers.
Anon 7:15:
You query, "Why was Mr. Stern only endorsing Orthodox candidates? Was there not a single individual among the 13 other non-Orthodox candidates worthy of support from Mr. Stern?"
You may have inadvertently answered your own question by bolding a part of Mr. Stern's letter, "they have all asked that I write to you on their behalf."
Did any other candidates ask for his support? If there were any and he declined to support them (without merit), then maybe you have a bone of contention. However, if no other candidates asked Mr. Stern for his endorsement, then how can he be taken to task?
No matter how you slice it, the fact is that Stern exclusively supported Orthodox candidates. At less than 25% of Teaneck's population and less than 25% of the candidates running for office, Stern's actions reek of a religious test.
Surely in his years on the council and in Teaneck, he must have met some people who weren't from his own Orthodox community. The fact that Stern refused to reach out behind his own community to find even one qualified non-Orthodox candidate is rather disturbing evidence of a religious test.
His complete lack of judgment in failing to have any balance on his ticket is only exceeded by his even poorer judgment in choosing candidates.
Again, these (then) candidates reached out to Mr. Stern for his support and presumably took the time to discuss platforms with him.
Did any other candidates reach out to Mr Stern for support/endorsement?
Without knowing the answer to this question, you cannot make the statement that he refused to reach out beyond his own "community".
As an aside, if you have a problem with who's in office, the difinitive way to make your voice heard is to vote. You may have voted in that election, but the apathy when it comes to voting is alarming.
As a form of disclosure: I will tell you that I did vote in that election (as I do in most), and did not vote for all 4 of the Orthodox candidates.
And now Jackie is mad at Peter ...
Imagine the face and eye movement hearing about his statement.
Maybe a resolution is in order!
And now Jackie is mad at Peter ...
Imagine the face and eye movement hearing about his statement.
Maybe a resolution is in order!
Maybe. But only if she and Monica can sign it by themselves.
While you do your "google" searches perhaps youd also like to look up that i bought my house when taxes were 8500+- in 2002.. and is now 11,200+- in 2007 and what pray tell did our earlier leadership do to curb this trend? Im just glad im a not a senior citizen on a fixed income or the lack of planning from previous administrations would have surely driven me from my house. But yes, please take the coward posting as anonymous to heart.. itd be appreciated.
i bought my house when taxes were 8500+- in 2002.. and is now 11,200+- in 2007 and what pray tell did our earlier leadership do to curb this trend?
Taking the statewide average property tax increase of 6% a year, I took your $8,500 tax bill in 2002 and increased it incrementally by 6% five times: up by $510 to $9,010 in 2003; up by $540.60 to 9550.6 in 2004; up by $573.36 to $10,123.63 in 2005; up by $607.42 to $10,731.04 in 2006; and up by $643.86 to to $11,374.90 in 2007.
So it would seem you might have done ever-so-slightly better than the statewide average, which includes towns in south and western New Jersey.
For those who haven't noticed, rapidly rising property taxes are a problem that affects most towns in our state. I am sure that every town also has to face the problem of self-aborbed whiners. But unfortunately in Teaneck, it seems we can't get rid of them even when they leave.
Giggle, giggle.
Sezme, state wide average? with teaneck leading the state as the HIGHEST taxed city in the USA,
"New Jersey has the highest median property tax rates in the United States.[New Jersey Reporter, June 2006, p. 30]
Teaneck, .. has among the highest equalized tax rates in New Jersey...
..Roughly 60% of a Teaneck property owner's tax goes to support the local school system (ranked 93rd out of 104 from lowest to highest cost in per-pupil spending, relative to comparable K-12 school districts in the state)
i can hardly look at percentage increases as inline with other NJ cities.. if at all Teaneck taxes should decrease to be inline with other NJ township's taxes.
And to single me out as the town crier, i have failed to see any other city tax rate hit the press so often then that of teaneck..
but im sure every town does have the apologist and one willing to shed responsibilities for those who need to take them.
ironic that someone across the globe needs to bring these thing to the attention of those who are sitting right in it.. but hidden agendas and blind support of those responsible will tend to have people look the other way, or wish to "rid" those who are bringing the issues to light.
giggle giggle
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