Say it ain't so, Adam

Many will now pipe up with their I-told-you-sos and how-could-you-think-otherwises. My response to that is that of course everybody realized that on some level, Gussen must have sold his soul to win the backing and logistical support provided him by the County organization during his campaign for office. It is well-known that quid-pro-quo is the currency through which Machiavellian partisan politics is conducted. But until confronted with irrefutable evidence that Gussen was a party operative who was taking marching orders from the organization, many were prepared to dissociate the circumstances of his election from his on-the-job performance. Now the very capable Councilman's every move will be subject to the extra scrutiny and suspicion that comes to those who imperil the non-partisan character of Teaneck politics.
A real shame.
I have no love for the Bergen County Democratic Organization but lets face facts, Loretta Weinberg is useless and inefficient and it has been a long time coming for her to go!!!
I see no facts we need to face as yet. The mudslinging has begun, and it's going to be ugly through the primary. Aint politics swell?
If it smells like a duck, looks like a duck, tastes like a duck -- well, you get my drift. I am not one of Loretta's admirers either, so it will be interesting to see how this plays out...
I admire neither one of them, but cannot stand the thought of yet another person operating within the claws of the County political machine. So in a lesser of two evils scenario, I'm pulling for Loretta.
The more I see the true Loretta, the more I see how she is part of the problem. I now fully understand why some Democrats in NJ are giving every other Dem a bad name. They can be just as corrupt as any other party once they have been in a position too long. Politics shouldn't be a career, it should be a public service. And that is what these people don't understand. Loretta's got to go. Now I see why NJ has become the armpit of the country and why we are one of the most backwards states as far as our laws are concerned. Good on ya, Adam!
So Adam's move is laudable?
One more councilmember into the armpit of Bergen County Democratic politics. One of the few who had stood above this partisan nonsense has jumped right in with a big splash. I know Gussen wasn't happy about Loretta's complaints, but there were very real issues with the Gussen/Rudolph/Gonzalas campaign and its problems with proper filing of tainted Ferriero funds. We'll see how this plays out, but on top of the grandstanding at the DMV hearing this just comes across as a shameless try at revenge.
How much did it take to sell out? Does Ferriero pay by the pound or by the foot?
and tnb and friends running around screaming about the election is not people just trying to give the current council a bad name. i see many parallels.
The TNB folks running around giving the council a bad name is just plain wrong. After all, they should just let Gussen and Rudolph dig their own graves. The two of them are doing a great job of it already!!!
Ah-ha! So TNB is to blame for this as well. Before we know it they'll be implicated in the proliferation of avain flu and global climate change.
All the folks who like to preach against "Boss Feriero" need to face the fact that this is about "Boss Weinberg." Selling jobs is selling jobs.
It is not murder but you can not runaround for 15 years accuseing everybody else of WRONGS and mean while she was doing it also....
Whats good for the Goose is good for the Gander..
Gussen took a lot of unnecessary flack. I am glad he stood up, others knew about this but would not dare taint the Queen.
Its pathetic to see these two preening bozos, each one even cockier then the other, competing to do Boss Ferriero's bidding. Considering that neither of them did anything in Teaneck until the day they were recruited to run for office, they both seem to think that they know everything and that the rest of us in Teaneck won't notice their complete lack of knowledge.
Until now, Rudolph has been the bigger buffoon, with his foolish claims on Holuba and his attacks on his council colleagues. He topped that all off with a shameless pandering vote to promote the lieutenant. Sure we had the foolish grandstanding with Loretta at the DMV hearing, but this takes the cake.
I'm sure that big-talker Gussen did all the research on Loretta's activities, especially since this all happened before Gussen even knew where Town hall was. He may be bigger, but he's no smarter.
Its a shame we only have seven councilmen. Teaneck's most successful product seems to be local politicians, and Boss Ferriero is buying big time.
Whatever Ferreiro may be buying, Loretta is selling.
The Council Chamber in Teaneck is filled with the stench of political mendacity. The non-partisan character of the township is at serious risk by a carefully orchestrated assault by the Democratic machine. We are on the verge of having the best council money can buy.
You are one that has been fooled for many years.
The rest of have known for years that Teaneck is 2 party town.
The Loretta Democrats and the rest of us. It is clear where you SIT.
10;32 You are right,this council is one of the BEST money can buy.
A lot has changed, years ago a few rolls of stamps a mailing list and a box of Post Cards gave one a good chance of getting elected.
Now it is the North East machine,the North West machine ,money and alot of hard work.
I'm relatively new to this controversy. Would someone please tell about this County Democratic Regime that is accused to stealing the election? Also, who is TNB? Also, why has Loretta Weinberg suddenly become such a haridan? Was she an angel before this issue arose? I knew her in the 1980's and I well remember that she always played for keeps. What has changed?
For keeps? Like political hardball?
I'm confused. With all these anonymous people commenting, it's hard to figure out who's on what side.
Could all the anonymous people please give yourselves fake names and indicate whether you think cronyism is bad or good for Teaneck and whether you think Teaneck ought to keep pretending to be Switzerland or jettison this facade of neutrality and play the game like other towns in Bergen County.
There is honest graft and dishonest graft. If honest graft is fine, then Loretta is okay. If honest graft is bad, then she is no better than Ferreiro and ought not to be opposing his activities. Politics ain't beanbag and the rules should be the same all around. Non-partisan is really just a form of nonsense. So maybe it is time to switch to an openly partisan system like in other towns. How many signatures does it take to get a vote on that?
"Best money can buy"?
I hate to break it to you, but that has nothing to do with it. It comes down to promoting a real campaign issue that was clear... in this case, it was township taxes through growth. The New Beginnings folks campaign was focused on renewing Teaneck diversity by saying how they didn't want to diversify with Orthodox Jews. Seems kind of funny to me. Their arguments were weak and their anti-semetic temperament wasn't only palpable, it was vocally expressed! So don't give me any of that holier than thou nonsense.
There were two horrible mailings that we still don't know who did, that were supportive for the 4, and an ENTIRE campaign on the New Beginnings side that was entirely divisive.
Seems pretty clear to me why they won and Parker was the only one to make it (she wasn't nasty in the campaign). Not only that but the majority, including the 4 that everyone is upset about, voted for Parker to be Dep. Mayor! They wanted to show they would reach across to heal those wounds. But I guess there is no appeasement on the other side. They can do no right, I guess.
excellent point! the four reach out and bring in parker as the DM. she does not do anything in return (like vote their way) nor does she have to. they did it too show a true attempt at reconciliation and diversity.
now lets say parker AND schwartz won (not the third tnb- where did he disappear to?) and gussen lost. it would be only 3 of the 4. would they have asked elie to be DM? i highly doubt it!
The Record Editorial
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Party operatives throw dirt at Weinberg
The New Beginnings folks campaign was focused on renewing Teaneck diversity by saying how they didn't want to diversify with Orthodox Jews.
Let's get this straight: Yitz Stern recruits two incompetents to run for office, solely based on their religion. A campaign is put together to support "the frum four". Knowingly false rumors are spread about the eruv by prominent members of the orthodox community. A well-funded illegal mail campaign targets the opposition, one that cost tens of thousands of dollars and was put together well in advance. A get-out-the-vote effort that pushes orthodox voters to the polls to defend their eruv.
New Beginnings at least attempted to find an orthodox candidate to run on their ticket. What's Yitz Stern's excuse for refusing to make any attempt at reaching out beyond his own block.
Lizette Parker as Deputy Mayor was an effort to "reach across to heal those wounds". Thats a joke. Who would the frum four choose? Jackie or Monica? Choosing Lizette was a cynical effort to buy the support of the one person who could be their fifth vote and provide the political fig leaf they need. This was another tactic from the same folks that had Rudolf vote in favor of promoting the police sergent.
Teaneck lost when Gussen and Rudolf were pushed to run for office as part of the orthodox slate, and we lost even bigger when they were elected. Each one looking out only for himself.
Its time to undo this tragic mistake and get the two of them out of office.
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