Giuliani's gift

Not only has the former New York City mayor exploded the myth that there is nothing to attract non-Orthodox Jews to Cedar Lane (!), but his fundraiser at the Marriott at Glenpointe last night probably did a lot to swell the coffers and boost the morale of a weak and divided Bergen County Republican Organizaton. Why is this good for Teaneck, a town that overwhelmingly tilts Democrat, having favored Kerry over Bush by a wide margin in 2004 and Menendez over Kean in the 2006 Senate race by an even wider margin?
In short, a stronger BCRO is in the interests of all voters in the area. Given the well-chronicled efforts by the newly dominant Bergen County Democratic Organization to strong-arm opponents of the party leadership both within the Democratic party and outside it and the dubious methods used by the BCDO to keep the money flowing into its coffers and those of its corporate playmates, having a more effective counterweight to the Democratic organization active in County affairs could provide a check on the ambitions of the machine. Whether we support them or not, we all want to see the Republicans put up viable candidates for office who are well-organized and well-financed not only so that we can make a real choice at the polls, but also to keep a leash on the other guys.
In the best of all possible worlds, the Bergen County Republicans would remake themselves in the image of their keynote speaker last night: tough on crime and corruption (think Giuliani the U.S. Attorney of the 1980's), socially liberal, and opposed to higher taxes. Even if they don't manage that, just having a bigger, stronger party on the block to fight back against the local bully could be a big help.
What were all those Orthodox elected Democrats doing hanging out with him?
They are NOT all Democrats
Ah yes, one of the most hated mayors of NYC while in office, who basks in the afterglow of 9/11 and rakes in hefty speaking and consulting fees. He's our guy, for sure.
Ad hominem
According to the most hated Mayor (prior to 9/11 when his "brilliantly placed" emergency headquarters was destroyed at the WTC) Congress made a "a terrible mistake" by passing bills that call for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq next year. He sure is going to get far in Teaneck with ideas like that! He supports the "clear, hold and build" strategy in Iraq. If anyone is capable of shattering peace anywhere in the world it is Giuliani, who waged non-stop wars with everyone in NYC during his tenure. After 9/11 he was in a rush to build roads with body parts. Surely, he did not know that Kierek was a crook when he appointed him higher and higher and then went partners with him. He appointed Liberal Party boss Ray Harding's crooked son to run an important agency (which led to a criminal conviction for embezzlement).And have you seen the video of him crossdressed with Donald Trump? That will get him nominated in the Republican primaries for sure.
Wasn't Guiliani the guy who held a public press conference to tell his second of three wives (and the mother of his children) that he wanted to get a divorce?
I guess he's from the Newt Gingrich wing of the Republican party.
Was his first wife his sister... or was she just his first cousin?
And dad was a gangster who spent time in prison while Rudy was growing up.
Now his own son won't talk to him.
If fed up's caustic appraisal was ad hominem, I'd say permissible ad hominem. I mean, it's not like he brought up his mistresses, his wife who suddenly remembered she was married three times, and his children who pretty much think he's %*&@.
That said, I do agree we need a stronger BCRO as a counterweight to a corrupt BCDO. Whether an appearance by Rudy at Noah's Arc will bring that about is another question.
I don't care about Weinberg vs Ferriero. They can fight amongst themselves for eternity. Ferriero himself isn't even a candidate. But since lots of bloggers act as if he's running against Weinberg, I would like to know, who has done more to aid Teaneck?
Guiliani won his reelection by a landslide, earning hundreds of thousands of votes from Democrats. While he has had ups and downs he was elected mayor of NY twice, and is in the runnings for the presidential nomination.
Despite his ups and downs, he must be doing something right!
That said, I do agree we need a stronger BCRO as a counterweight to a corrupt BCDO. Whether an appearance by Rudy at Noah's Arc will bring that about is another question.
Wow, a comment that is actually on topic- a nice departure from the bilefest. As a clarification, I meant that the $250-a-plate BCRO fundraiser held yesterday evening at Glenpointe, not the glad handing at Noah's Ark, might reinvigorate the Republican Party in Bergen County.
I don't care about Weinberg vs Ferriero. They can fight amongst themselves for eternity. Ferriero himself isn't even a candidate. But since lots of bloggers act as if he's running against Weinberg, I would like to know, who has done more to aid Teaneck?
This post sounds suspiciously like a repeat. I wonder whether your professed indifference is sincere. "Ferriero himself isn't even a candidate" is only technically true, and everyone knows who the puppetmaster is behind the opposition to Weinberg and team. As for who has done more for Teaneck, it is hard to say. Probably neither one has done very much that is actually good for Teaneck over the past few years. But even if Ferriero and allies had procured more for our town, it is reasonable to have a principled opposition to those who engage in pay-to-play and make no bones about introducing overtly partisan political games into Teaneck. Elections are not about voting your own short-term self-interest.
"Elections are not about voting your own short-term self-interest."
I'm going to remember that you said that.
Bilefest -- is that a reference to to Teaneck elections? The stuff posted so far about Guiliani has been pretty tame.
I hope that Rudy is the Republican's choice for president...
That way the Dems can sweep in 2008!
..that is, if he doesn't get married to another woman by the primaries
I'm going to remember that you said that.
Good. I'm glad I put it in writing then. You can hold me to it.
..that is, if he doesn't get married to another woman by the primaries
From what I've seen, he seems more a candidate for civil union.
See Friday's NY Times about Giuliani and Kerik.
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