Thursday's press roundup
- The obligatory post-election "healing" article appears in The Bergen Record.
- The Suburbanite (published prior to election results becoming available) covers reaction to the report from Council's special task force on relations between management and uniformed union employees. The choicest quotes in the article are the veiled and not-so-veiled threats issued by Lt. Steven Librie at the May 2 Council meeting.
- The Suburbanite's Howard Prosnitz must have writer's cramp because he also writes about Teaneck residents who joined an anti-war rally on April 29, a Holocaust commemoration at THS, a firefighter's heroics on Emerson Ave., the opening of the Teaneck Creek Conservancy's trail near Overpeck Park, and best of all, a stormy session of the Planning Board, complete with accusations and recriminations.

Despite all the campaign promises, there ain't alot the newly elected council members can actually do to attract ratables. The only land-use the market currently supports is housing development and look at what has happened in the last few years whenever anyone has proposed a multifamily development of any scale. Everyone screams about traffic and parking problems and how the project will change the "character" of the community.
The only commercial site with any mixed-use development potential in town is the parcel across Degraw from Glenpointe and it's probably a protected wetland....
Now, if we could only get a Starbucks on Cedar Lane, all our problems would be solved :)
I would expect to hear more about the Plaza area and Tryon Ave. at Teaneck Rd. area. Powerless as they may be to actually get anything done, the Council members will have give the impression that they are plowing ahead with a number initiatives if they are to immunize themselves from attack during the next election cycle.
I do concede, however, that most of the public's appetite for development is purely theoretical. NIMBY will continue to prevail for the foreseeable future.
I don't understand how having a Starbucks or any other well known establishment in Teaneck is going to have a stabalizing effect on Property Taxes. Do local businesses pay taxes specifically to the Township in the form of Township sales tax, payroll tax, etc.?
I think the obsession with Starbucks (or any other national chain, for that matter) is not for any direct tax benefit that the Township would realize but rather because having a Starbucks on Cedar Lane would make it more of a destination. If Starbucks suddenly generated a 15% increase in foot traffic on Cedar Lane, this would improve business for everyone in the district and raise the value of other commercial properties there, thereby strengthening the tax base and relieving the burden of the homeowners.
teaneck blog:
"The choicest quotes in the article are the veiled and not-so-veiled threats issued by Lt. Steven Libri."
(Actually, I believe it's "Librie" (a Suburbanite error) and I believe there was only one threat.)
But c'mon, let's post that dispicable Lt. Steve Librie threat:
Lt. Steven Librie:
"Do not fail us or we have no choice but to go to the courts and file suits."
Shades of Bill Brennan! Ever since Librie never answered the question, "Who wrote that ad in December?" I have always suspected that Steve Librie was involved up to his eyeballs with Bill Brennan. In that light, it is worth reviewing some Bill Brennan quotes:
Bill Brennan:
"The same elected officials are always reelected and nothing is done to change that. This time, I hope the taxpayers are hurt as much as the township." -- The Record, August 19, 2003.
Bill Brennan:
"This will never end between me and Teaneck. As long as the taxpayers keep putting the same people in office, I'll be litigating." -- The Record, October 28, 2003.
There are other examples I can pull if anyone insists, but you get the idea: Brennan was waging war on our taxpayers, our polity, and our democratic process. Pretty dispicable.
One can only wonder if Lt. Steve Librie is serious about pulling another "Brennan" on us. Given that the people who were supporting both Librie and Brennan have largely been repudiated, I would suggest that Lt. Librie start asking, "What can I AND MY UNION do to make things better in Teaneck?
The dispicable Bill Brennan way won't cut it anymore.
P.S. Now is as good a time as any to note that in 2004, well after Brennan declared war on the taxpayers unless they voted the way he wanted them to, Monica Honis took a $500 campaign contribution from this out-of-town resident.
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