Teaneck Blog

Casting a wary eye on Teaneck politics and municipal affairs

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Election Day

No more automated phone messages, no more silly and convoluted endorsement letters (that means you, Senator Weinberg), no more sensational accusations followed by humbling retractions... After today, visible political activity in Teaneck will cease for a while (although I suspect that the same people whose Christmas decorations are still up in February will still have their campaign signs displayed through Memorial Day). If the pattern holds, the brief bout of enthusiasm for Township affairs will give way to apathy, and the flow of information will slow to a trickle of poorly edited stories in The Suburbanite and the occasional Brian Aberback piece in The Record.

Well, it doesn't have to be that way. The Teaneck Blog is here to keep the fires of civic engagement burning just a little bit longer. Please feel free to help out by sending in news, views, rumors, and the like.


At 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Automated phone calls.... it was really interesting to see who was calling me, and who they were suggesting to vote for. By the end of the evening there were former teachers, a specific Board member, and a Reverend/town council member calling my house telling me who to support... THANK GOD THIS IS OVER!!!!!

At 8:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that this blog and the efforts of Tom Abbott and others elsewhere will keep attention focused on town issues in the months ahead. It is not enough to get agitated in the days before an election. We need to be informed and expressing our views all year round. Thank you for your efforts. I hope the mayor, the town council, and citizens all over Teaneck participate in the conversation. Teaneckblog is a good place for that to happen. Keep up the good work!


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